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 Post subject: Many to Many Mapping Help Needed
PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 2:41 pm 

Joined: Thu May 25, 2006 7:16 pm
Posts: 2
I am having trouble figuring out how to accomplish the following JOIN:

I have three tables, Device, DeviceFeature and Feature.

Device represents a physical hardware device. Feature contains features that a device may have. DeviceFeature contains the values for these features for each Device.


DeviceId (PK)

FeatureId (PK)

DeviceFeatureId (PK)
DeviceId (FK)
FeatureId (FK)

So, an example device would be:

DeviceId Name
======== ==========
1        Server

and an example feature would be:

FeatureId  Name
=========  ==========
1          IPAddress

so, if I wanted to assign an IP address to device 1 (Server) I would have the following DeviceFeature record

DeviceFeatureId DeviceId FeatureId Value
=============== ======== ========= ========
1               1        1

The problem I am having is coming up with an efficient mapping in Hiberate. Ideally I want a Device to have a map of Features, with the key being Feature.Name and the value being DeviceFeature.Value (and have this map cascade to inserts, updates and deletes).

So far I have a Device mapping to a set of DeviceFeatures and each DeviceFeature maps to a Feature (this is a long painful traversal)

Any help you can provide would be appreciated.


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