For all you users out there.. I was pretty settled on C3P0 since it offered resilience to DB restarts (detects failed connections using idle connection testing and also by interpreting exceptions on active connections to see if the exceptions mean connection failure), and prepared statement caching (I understand it registers all statements on all connections, so effectively ensuring that a prepared statement is used no matter which connection the pool serves up).
However, as luck would have it, C3P0 is LGPL, which is a no-no from Legal's point of view. Hibernate (which also sports an LGPL) itself took a long while to be okayed (separate download etc), but only because there's nothing like it.
Question is: Is there anything like C3P0 without the attached "poison-pill" license? Proxool doesnt seem to have prepared statement caching. Several of the other ones I've looked at either have LGPLs or dont match up to C3P0.
Anyone know differently? Please share..
Thanks in advance,