Hi Max,
Thank's for your answer.
Well what i really want to do is most of the time is to put the value of the property lazy=false and the value of the property outer-join= true to change the collection to eager.
If the isForeignKeyCollectionLazy method only changes the lazy property will not do what i want.
But at the moment i'm using this piece of code bellow for testing and changing the return of the isForeignKeyCollectionLazy method to false or true will not change nothing in my generated mapping files.
public class DigitalisRevengStrategy extends DelegatingReverseEngineeringStrategy {
public DigitalisRevengStrategy(ReverseEngineeringStrategy revStrat) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public boolean isForeignKeyCollectionLazy(String arg0, TableIdentifier arg1, List arg2, TableIdentifier arg3, List arg4) {
return false;
Note 1: I'm using this with the eclipse reveng tool not thru ant hibernate tool.
Note 2: I've allready put some debug info in the method isForeignKeyCollectionLazy just to be sure if the method is called and i confirmed that.
Soo my first question still is how can i change the collection attributes to lazy=false and outer-join=true in reverse engineering time ?
And Is the situation that i've reported a bug or i'm really missing it :) ?
Note 3: I'm still a newbie in Hibernate.
Thank's in advance.