I have some challanges which I have to solve. Perhaps someone can help me, I am not sure how to do it:
- Timestamp: I need a field in my tables with a created-timestamp and a modified-timestamp. It would be fine if this field is managed by hibernate.
- User-Created, User-Updated: I need to log the user which has modified or created a record with my application. I have a global Session class which holds the user, is it possible to implement a default value in my POJO?
- I would like to make criteria queries with my Hibernate 3.2 CR2 installation, is that possible or are critera queries a relict from Hibernate 3.1?
- I would like to have a generic DAO class, which can make inserts, updates, deletes with all my POJO's. Is that possible, are there any patterns available for DAO classes?