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 Post subject: hibernate basedir bug in case of 2 ant build files
PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:30 pm 

Joined: Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:27 pm
Posts: 2
had this convo with a friend of mine. he suggested i post it as a jira issue. but i see that you all like issues posted to the group first. so here it is.

(1:17:23 PM) userA: bug in hibernate.
(1:17:42 PM) userA: checkit, the tools are pulling their basedir

from something other than the ant basedir
(1:17:57 PM) userA: so if i have 2 ant build files
(1:18:02 PM) userA: one for persistence project
(1:18:07 PM) userA: one for some overall project
(1:18:15 PM) userA: build file B calls build file A
(1:18:29 PM) userA: build file A uses the hibernate tools for

reveng & maps & stuff
(1:18:55 PM) userA: if i run build file A in project A (the

persistence directory), the relative paths passed to the hibernate

tools via ant are rooted in project A
(1:19:34 PM) userA: if i run build file B in project B which then

calls build file A, the relative paths passed to the hibernate

tools via and (build file A) are rooted in project *B*
(1:19:48 PM) userB: hm. must be a way to set the basedir
(1:19:53 PM) userB: for the tool
(1:19:57 PM) userA: perhaps.
(1:20:07 PM) userA: there's a root point though.
(1:20:17 PM) userA: if i specify the directory of the .cfg.xml file
(1:20:43 PM) userA: then the all the other hibernate variables that

take relative paths are just fine
(1:20:57 PM) userA: so it's like it's taking everything based on

the location of the .cfg.xml file
(1:21:05 PM) userA: now... how you set the basedir for THAT file...
(1:21:08 PM) userA: that i don't know.
(1:21:13 PM) userA: and that's what you were just getting at.
(1:21:26 PM) userA: since my persistence project and my overall

project are parallel to each other
(1:21:46 PM) userA: i just prepended a "../persistence/" to the

relative path for the .cfg.xml file
(1:22:02 PM) userA: now it works teh same way whether i run build

file A or B
(1:22:08 PM) userA: anyway, just an FYI

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