Hibernate version: 3.1.2
Name and version of the database you are using: DB2 9.0 (Viper)
Problem: Basically I want to use a formula in the discriminator element with a new DB2 function with DB2 9.0 (Viper) to subclass based on data in an XML column. The problem is that Hibernate adds table aliases even to keywords (see below):
(Mapping document)
<class ....>
<discriminator formula="xmlcast(xmlquery('$d/mbean/@typ' passing XMLDATA as "d") AS VARCHAR(50))"/>
Get translated to:
(Generated SQL)
... where xmlcast (xmlquery('$d/mbean/@typ' this_.passing this_.XMLDATA as this_."d") AS VARCHAR(50))='miljö' ...
Is there some way to keep the qualifiers off certain keywords (i.e. passing/"d")? / Matthew