After turning on Show_SQL, and then execute the generated SQL from mysql command line, each record is duplicated in the returned result set.
For example,
(SQL statement) Limit 0, 6
the result set:
record id(s): 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3
So Hibernate returns 3 records because of DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY.
(note that student record id starts from 1, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ....)
(SQL statement) Limit 2, 5
the result set:
record id(s): 2, 2, 3, 3, 4
(duplicate records(id=1) skipped)
So Hibernate returns 3 records because of DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY.
The generated SQL statement ends with limit ?, I could not figure out a way to find the value passed to the question mark.
For the following query:
I expect it to return the first 10 distinct records, but only 5 (from record 1 to 5)
I expect it to return the next 10 distinct records, starting from record id 11, but returned records from 6 to 10.
It seems that Hibernate applies DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY semantics after retriving the results from DB, but it should be the part of SQL statement in order to get correct results.
Is there a solution? Thanks a lot for help.