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 Post subject: stale formula
PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:29 am 

Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:38 am
Posts: 11
I've got an Order object that has a collection of Items and a formula property (Order.TotalPrice) that calculates the total price of the Items in an Order. If I update the price of one of the Items in an Order with session.Update(Item) then do Order.TotalPrice I don't get an updated total. If I do a session.Flush() before the Order.TotalPrice I get the updated total.

Is this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:02 am 

Joined: Fri May 13, 2005 5:56 pm
Posts: 308
Location: Santa Barbara, California, USA
you are doing something wrong unfortunately. :) think about it, the formula is calculated by the database when the object is instantiated. so the SQL can't run when the object is updated. you would have to call session.Flush() or maybe even session.Lock() to allow the SQL formula to be recalculated.


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:50 pm 

Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:38 am
Posts: 11
I would have thought hibernate would take care of the flush and refresh the formula when you access the formula.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:29 am 

Joined: Fri May 13, 2005 5:56 pm
Posts: 308
Location: Santa Barbara, California, USA
unfortunately no. would need to call session.Refresh() after you save the object, or reload the object in a new session to get the formula to run. there is no way for NH to execute a read (formula) when session.Flush() (execpt for getting an id of a transient object that is made persistent).


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