Tried installing Hibernate Tools into Eclipse, but Eclipse won't pick up the changes. I unzipped the .zip file into the appropriate directories, but I think the problem is that there are conflicting folders in Eclipse...
For example, in the plugins directory there is a org.eclipse.wst.xml.core_1.0.0.jar, as well as a org.eclipse.wst.xml.core_1.1.0.v200605040144.jar. The first of the two came with the Hibernate Tools file.
When I try to delete the one that didn't come with Hibernate Tools, it says that it's in use. When I try to delete the one that came with Hibernate Tools, it deletes it right away. That means Eclipse is using the one I don't want it to use.
Is the only solution to manually delete every single duplicate file? In this case, wouldn't I break whatever feature installed the duplicate jar files?
There's gotta be a better way.
Please respond.