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 Post subject: C3P0
PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2006 3:20 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 28, 2006 7:48 am
Posts: 20
I have the following hibernate.cfg file
<property name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size"> 1</property>
<property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_size"> 1</property>
<property name="hibernate.c3p0.timeout"> 1000</property>
<property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_statements"> 50</property>
<property name="hibernate.c3p0.acquire_increment">1</property>

1.What happens when the max_size limit is reached?

2. Also, can anyone tell me what does max_statements mean? What happens when max_statements is reached?

3. Does c3p0 maintain a separate cache of SQL statements besides the hibernate 1st level cache. Is there a way to view this cache

4. I have configured a DataSource with the connection Pool of the datasource with following attributes

I am using this DataSource for the hibernate to connect.
Which connection Pool will be given a preference, the C3P0 or the DataSource connection pool.

Please help!!!

Hope the C3P0 developers can assist me to understand this.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2006 4:00 am 

Joined: Sat Oct 25, 2003 8:49 am
Posts: 490
Location: Vrhnika, Slovenia
What's this got to do with EJB3?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2006 4:01 am 

Joined: Sat Oct 25, 2003 8:49 am
Posts: 490
Location: Vrhnika, Slovenia

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2006 4:03 am 

Joined: Sat Oct 25, 2003 8:49 am
Posts: 490
Location: Vrhnika, Slovenia
* Distributed as part of c3p0 v.0.8.5
* Copyright (C) 2004 Machinery For Change, Inc.
* Author: Steve Waldman <swaldman@mchange.com>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this software; see the file LICENSE.  If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

package com.mchange.v2.resourcepool;

import java.util.*;
import com.mchange.v2.async.*;
import com.mchange.v2.holders.SynchronizedIntHolder;
import com.mchange.v2.util.ResourceClosedException;

class BasicResourcePool implements ResourcePool
    final static int CULL_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR = 8;

    //MT: unchanged post c'tor
    Manager mgr;
    BasicResourcePoolFactory factory;

    //MT: protected by this' lock
    AsynchronousRunner       taskRunner;
    RunnableQueue            asyncEventQueue;
    Timer                    cullAndIdleRefurbishTimer;
    TimerTask                cullTask;
    TimerTask                idleRefurbishTask;
    HashSet                  acquireWaiters = new HashSet();
    HashSet                  otherWaiters = new HashSet();

    /*  keys are all valid, managed resources, value is a Date */
    HashMap  managed  = new HashMap();

    /* all valid, managed resources currently available for checkout */
    LinkedList unused   = new LinkedList();

    /* resources which have been invalidated somehow, but which are */
    /* still checked out and in use.                                */
    HashSet  excluded = new HashSet();

    Set idleCheckResources = new HashSet();

    ResourcePoolEventSupport rpes = new ResourcePoolEventSupport(this);

    boolean force_kill_acquires = false;

    boolean broken = false;

    //DEBUG only!
    Object exampleResource;

    // members below are unchanging

    int start;
    int min;
    int max;
    int inc;

    int num_acq_attempts;
    int acq_attempt_delay;

    long check_idle_resources_delay; //milliseconds
    long max_resource_age;           //milliseconds
    boolean age_is_absolute;

    boolean break_on_acquisition_failure;

    // end unchanging members

    // ---

    // members below are changing but protected
    // by their own locks
    SynchronizedIntHolder pendingAcquiresCounter = new SynchronizedIntHolder();

    // end changing but protected members

     * @param factory may be null
    public BasicResourcePool(Manager                  mgr,
              int                      start,
              int                      min,
              int                      max,
              int                      inc,
              int                      num_acq_attempts,
              int                      acq_attempt_delay,
              long                     check_idle_resources_delay,
              long                     max_resource_age,
              boolean                  age_is_absolute,
              boolean                  break_on_acquisition_failure,
              AsynchronousRunner       taskRunner,
              RunnableQueue            asyncEventQueue,
              Timer                    cullAndIdleRefurbishTimer,
              BasicResourcePoolFactory factory)
   throws ResourcePoolException
      this.mgr                        = mgr;
      this.start                      = start;
      this.min                        = min;
      this.max                        = max;
      this.inc                        = inc;
      this.num_acq_attempts           = num_acq_attempts;
      this.acq_attempt_delay          = acq_attempt_delay;
      this.check_idle_resources_delay = check_idle_resources_delay;
      this.max_resource_age           = max_resource_age;
      this.age_is_absolute            = age_is_absolute;
      this.factory                    = factory;
      this.taskRunner                 = taskRunner;
      this.asyncEventQueue            = asyncEventQueue;
      this.cullAndIdleRefurbishTimer  = cullAndIdleRefurbishTimer;

      pendingAcquiresCounter.setValue( 0 );

      //start acquiring our initial resources

      if (max_resource_age > 0)
         long cull_frequency = max_resource_age / CULL_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR ;
         this.cullTask = new CullTask();
         cullAndIdleRefurbishTimer.schedule( cullTask, max_resource_age, cull_frequency );
          age_is_absolute = false; // there's no point keeping track of
                                   // the absolute age of things if we
                                   // aren't even culling.

      if (check_idle_resources_delay > 0)
         this.idleRefurbishTask = new CheckIdleResourcesTask();
         cullAndIdleRefurbishTimer.schedule( idleRefurbishTask,
                         check_idle_resources_delay );
   catch (Exception e)
       { throw ResourcePoolUtils.convertThrowable( e ); }

    public Object checkoutResource()
   throws ResourcePoolException, InterruptedException
   try { return checkoutResource( 0 ); }
   catch (TimeoutException e)
      //this should never happen
      throw new ResourcePoolException("Huh??? TimeoutException with no timeout set!!!", e);

     * This function recursively calls itself... under nonpathological
     * situations, it shouldn't be a problem, but if resources can never
     * successfully check out for some reason, we might blow the stack...
     * by the semantics of wait(), a timeout of zero means forever.
    public synchronized Object checkoutResource( long timeout )
   throws TimeoutException, ResourcePoolException, InterruptedException

      int available = unused.size();
      if (available == 0)
         int msz = managed.size();
         if (msz < max) postAcquireMore();
         awaitAcquire(timeout); //throws timeout exception

      Object  resc = unused.get(0);

      // this is a hack -- but "doing it right" adds a lot of complexity, and collisions between
      // an idle check and a checkout should be relatively rare. anyway, it should work just fine.
      if ( idleCheckResources.contains( resc ) )
         //System.err.println("c3p0-JENNIFER: INFO: Resource we want to check out is in idleCheck! (waiting until idle-check completes.)"  + " [" + this + "]");
         unused.add( resc );

         // we'll wait for "something to happen" -- probably an idle check to
         // complete -- then we'll try again and hope for the best.
         Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
            otherWaiters.add ( t );
            this.wait( timeout );
             { otherWaiters.remove( t ); }
         return checkoutResource( timeout );

      if (isExpired( resc ) || !attemptRefurbishResourceOnCheckout( resc ))
         removeResource( resc );
         return checkoutResource( timeout );
         asyncFireResourceCheckedOut( resc, managed.size(), unused.size(), excluded.size() );
         if (Debug.TRACE == Debug.TRACE_MAX) trace();
         return resc;
   catch ( ResourceClosedException e ) // one of our async threads died
      System.err.println(this + " -- the pool was found to be closed or broken during an attempt to check out a resource.");
      throw e;
   catch ( InterruptedException e )
      System.err.println(this + " -- an attempt to checkout a resource was interrupted: some other thread " +
               "must have either interrupted the Thread attempting checkout, close() was called on the pool.");
      throw e;

    public synchronized void checkinResource( Object resc )
   throws ResourcePoolException
      //we permit straggling resources to be checked in
      //without exception even if we are broken
      if (managed.keySet().contains(resc))
          doCheckinManaged( resc );
      else if (excluded.contains(resc))
          doCheckinExcluded( resc );
          throw new ResourcePoolException("ResourcePool" + (broken ? " [BROKEN!]" : "") + ": Tried to check-in a foreign resource!");
      if (Debug.TRACE == Debug.TRACE_MAX) trace();
   catch ( ResourceClosedException e ) // one of our async threads died
      System.err.println(this +
               " - checkinResource( ... ) -- even broken pools should allow checkins without exception. probable resource pool bug.");
      throw e;

    public synchronized void checkinAll()
   throws ResourcePoolException
      Set checkedOutNotExcluded = new HashSet( managed.keySet() );
      checkedOutNotExcluded.removeAll( unused );
      for (Iterator ii = checkedOutNotExcluded.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
          doCheckinManaged( ii.next() );
      for (Iterator ii = excluded.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
          doCheckinExcluded( ii.next() );
   catch ( ResourceClosedException e ) // one of our async threads died
      System.err.println(this +
               " - checkinAll() -- even broken pools should allow checkins without exception. probable resource pool bug.");
      throw e;

    public synchronized int statusInPool( Object resc )
   throws ResourcePoolException
      if ( unused.contains( resc ) )
          return KNOWN_AND_AVAILABLE;
      else if ( managed.keySet().contains( resc ) || excluded.contains( resc ) )
          return KNOWN_AND_CHECKED_OUT;
          return UNKNOWN_OR_PURGED;
   catch ( ResourceClosedException e ) // one of our async threads died
      throw e;

    public synchronized void markBroken(Object resc)
      _markBroken( resc );
   catch ( ResourceClosedException e ) // one of our async threads died

    //min is immutable, no need to synchronize
    public int getMinPoolSize()
    { return min; }

    //max is immutable, no need to synchronize
    public int getMaxPoolSize()
    { return max; }

    public synchronized int getPoolSize()
   throws ResourcePoolException
    { return managed.size(); }

    public synchronized void setPoolSize(final int sz)
   throws ResourcePoolException
      Exception exc = doSetPoolSize(sz);
      if (exc != null)
         if (exc instanceof RuntimeException)
             throw (RuntimeException) exc;
             throw ResourcePoolUtils.convertThrowable(exc);
   catch ( ResourceClosedException e ) // one of our async threads died

//      //i don't think i like the async, no-guarantees approach
//      public synchronized void requestResize( int req_sz )
//      {
//     if (req_sz > max)
//         req_sz = max;
//     else if (req_sz < min)
//         req_sz = min;
//     int sz = managed.size();
//     if (req_sz > sz)
//         postAcquireUntil( req_sz );
//     else if (req_sz < sz)
//         postRemoveTowards( req_sz );
//      }

    public synchronized int getAvailableCount()
    { return unused.size(); }

    public synchronized int getExcludedCount()
    { return excluded.size(); }

    public synchronized int getAwaitingCheckinCount()
    { return managed.size() - unused.size() + excluded.size(); }

    public synchronized void resetPool()
      for (Iterator ii = cloneOfManaged().keySet().iterator(); ii.hasNext();)
   catch ( ResourceClosedException e ) // one of our async threads died

    public synchronized void close()
   throws ResourcePoolException
   //we permit closes when we are already broken, so
   //that resources that were checked out when the break
   //occured can still be cleaned up
   close( true );

    public void finalize() throws Throwable
   //obviously, clients mustn't rely on finalize,
   //but must close pools ASAP after use.
   //System.err.println("finalizing..." + this);

   if (! broken )

    public void addResourcePoolListener(ResourcePoolListener rpl)
   if ( asyncEventQueue == null )
       throw new RuntimeException(this + " does not support ResourcePoolEvents. " +
                   "Probably it was constructed by a BasicResourceFactory configured not to support such events.");

    public void removeResourcePoolListener(ResourcePoolListener rpl)
   if ( asyncEventQueue == null )
       throw new RuntimeException(this + " does not support ResourcePoolEvents. " +
                   "Probably it was constructed by a BasicResourceFactory configured not to support such events.");

    private synchronized boolean isForceKillAcquiresPending()
    { return force_kill_acquires; }

    // this is designed as a response to a determination that our resource source is down.
    // rather than declaring ourselves broken in this case (as we did previously), we
    // kill all pending acquisition attempts, but retry on new acqusition requests.
    private synchronized void forceKillAcquires() throws InterruptedException
   Thread t = Thread.currentThread();

      force_kill_acquires = true;
      this.notifyAll(); //wake up any threads waiting on an acquire, and force them all to die.
      while (acquireWaiters.size() > 0) //we want to let all the waiting acquires die before we unset force_kill_acquires
         otherWaiters.add( t );
      force_kill_acquires = false;
       { otherWaiters.remove( t ); }

    //same as close(), but we do not destroy checked out
    private synchronized void unexpectedBreak()
   System.err.println(this + " -- Unexpectedly broken!!!");
   new ResourcePoolException("Unexpected Break Stack Trace!").printStackTrace();
   close( false );

    private void postAcquireUntil(int num)
//    System.err.println("...postAcquireUntil( " +  num + " )");
//    new Exception("...dumping stack trace").printStackTrace();
   taskRunner.postRunnable(new AcquireTask(num));

    private void postRemoveTowards(int num)
   System.err.println("...postRemoveTowards(" + num + ")");
   taskRunner.postRunnable(new RemoveTask(num));

    private boolean canFireEvents()
    { return (! broken && asyncEventQueue != null); }

    private void asyncFireResourceAcquired( final Object       resc,
                   final int          pool_size,
                   final int          available_size,
                   final int          removed_but_unreturned_size )
   if ( canFireEvents() )
      Runnable r = new Runnable()
         public void run()
         {rpes.fireResourceAcquired(resc, pool_size, available_size, removed_but_unreturned_size);}

    private void asyncFireResourceCheckedIn( final Object       resc,
                    final int          pool_size,
                    final int          available_size,
                    final int          removed_but_unreturned_size )
   if ( canFireEvents() )
      Runnable r = new Runnable()
         public void run()
         {rpes.fireResourceCheckedIn(resc, pool_size, available_size, removed_but_unreturned_size);}

    private void asyncFireResourceCheckedOut( final Object       resc,
                     final int          pool_size,
                     final int          available_size,
                     final int          removed_but_unreturned_size )
   if ( canFireEvents() )
      Runnable r = new Runnable()
         public void run()

    private void asyncFireResourceRemoved( final Object       resc,
                  final boolean      checked_out_resource,
                  final int          pool_size,
                  final int          available_size,
                  final int          removed_but_unreturned_size )
   if ( canFireEvents() )
      //System.err.println("ASYNC RSRC REMOVED");
      //new Exception().printStackTrace();
      Runnable r = new Runnable()
         public void run()
             rpes.fireResourceRemoved(resc, checked_out_resource,
    private void destroyResource(final Object resc)
    { destroyResource( resc, false ); }
    private void destroyResource(final Object resc, boolean synchronous)
   Runnable r = new Runnable()
      public void run()
          try { mgr.destroyResource(resc); }
          catch ( Exception e )
             System.err.println("Failed to destroy resource: " + resc);
   if ( synchronous )
       taskRunner.postRunnable( r );

    //this method NEED NOT be invoked from a synchronized
    private void acquireUntil(int num) throws Exception
   int msz;
         msz = managed.size();
         if (msz < num)

      //if there is a Thread waiting on
      //this resource, try give it up before
      //acquiring more!
   while (msz < num);

//      private void acquireUntil(int num) throws Exception
//      {
//     int msz = managed.size();
//     for (int i = msz; i < num; ++i)
//         assimilateResource();
//      }

    //the following methods should only be invoked from
    //sync'ed methods / blocks...

//     private Object useUnusedButNotInIdleCheck()
//     {
//    for (Iterator ii = unused.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
//        {
//       Object maybeOut = ii.next();
//       if (! idleCheckResources.contains( maybeOut ))
//           {
//          ii.remove();
//          return maybeOut;
//           }
//        }
//    throw new RuntimeException("Internal Error -- the pool determined that it did have a resource available for checkout, but was unable to find one.");
//     }

//     private int actuallyAvailable()
//     { return unused.size() - idleCheckResources.size(); }

    private void markBrokenNoEnsureMinResources(Object resc)
      _markBroken( resc );
   catch ( ResourceClosedException e ) // one of our async threads died

    private void _markBroken( Object resc )
   if ( unused.contains( resc ) )
       removeResource( resc );
       excludeResource( resc );

    //Exception firstClose = null;

    private void close( boolean close_checked_out_resources )

   if (! broken ) //ignore repeated calls to close
      //firstClose = new Exception("First close() -- debug stack trace [CRAIG]");
      this.broken = true;
      Collection cleanupResources = ( close_checked_out_resources ? (Collection) cloneOfManaged().keySet() : (Collection) cloneOfUnused() );
      if ( cullTask != null )
      if (idleRefurbishTask != null)
      for (Iterator ii = cleanupResources.iterator(); ii.hasNext();)
            Object resc = ii.next();
            if (unused.contains( resc )) //same logic as _markBroken(...), but removes have to be synchronous
                removeResource(resc, true);
                excludeResource( resc );
         catch (Exception e)
             {if (Debug.DEBUG) e.printStackTrace();}
      for (Iterator ii = acquireWaiters.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
          ((Thread) ii.next()).interrupt();
      for (Iterator ii = otherWaiters.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
          ((Thread) ii.next()).interrupt();
      if (factory != null)
          factory.markBroken( this );
      // System.err.println(this + " closed.");
      System.err.println(this + " -- close() called multiple times.");

      //new Exception("Repeat close() [CRAIG]").printStackTrace();

    private void doCheckinManaged( final Object resc ) throws ResourcePoolException
   if (unused.contains(resc))
      if ( Debug.DEBUG )
          throw new ResourcePoolException("Tried to check-in an already checked-in resource: " + resc);
      Runnable doMe = new Runnable()
         public void run()
             synchronized( BasicResourcePool.this )
                boolean resc_okay = attemptRefurbishResourceOnCheckin( resc );
                if ( resc_okay )
                   unused.add( resc );
                   if (! age_is_absolute ) //we need to reset the clock, 'cuz we are counting idle time
                  managed.put( resc, new Date() );
                   removeResource( resc );
                asyncFireResourceCheckedIn( resc, managed.size(), unused.size(), excluded.size() );
      taskRunner.postRunnable( doMe );

    private void doCheckinExcluded( Object resc )

    private Exception doSetPoolSize(int sz)
      if (sz > max)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested size [" + sz +
                        "] is greater than max [" + max +
      else if (sz < min)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested size [" + sz +
                        "] is less than min [" + min +
      int msz = managed.size();
      if (sz > msz)
          acquireUntil( sz );
      else if (sz < msz)
         int num_to_cull = msz - sz;
         int usz = unused.size();
         int num_from_unused = Math.min( num_to_cull, usz );
         for (int i = 0; i < num_from_unused; ++i)
             removeResource( unused.get(0) );
         int num_outstanding_to_cull = num_to_cull - num_from_unused;
         Iterator ii = cloneOfManaged().keySet().iterator();
         for (int i = 0; i < num_outstanding_to_cull; ++i)
             excludeResource( ii.next() );
      return null;
   catch (Exception e)
       { return e; }
       { this.notifyAll(); }

    private void postAcquireMore()
     int msz = managed.size();
   int pending_acquires = pendingAcquiresCounter.getValue();

   // we want to get at least inc more, and we want enough
   // so we get one for each request for more resources. Previous
   // requests are accounted for in pending_acquires; we add one
   // for this request.

   int num_desired = msz + Math.max( inc, pending_acquires + 1 );
   postAcquireUntil( Math.min( num_desired, max ) );

    // by the semantics of wait( timeout ), 0 waits forever
//     private void awaitIdleCheck(long timeout) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException
//     {
//    Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
//    interruptableWaiters.add( t );

//    int num_in_check;
//    long start = ( timeout > 0 ? System.currentTimeMillis() : -1);
//    while( (num_in_check = idleCheckResources.size()) != 0)
//        {
//       this.wait(timeout);
//       if ( idleCheckResources.size() < num_in_check ) //okay, what we were waiting for happened...
//           return;
//       else if (timeout > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() - start > timeout)
//           throw new TimeoutException("internal -- timeout at awaitIdleCheck()");
//        }

//    interruptableWaiters.remove( t );
//     }

     * by the semantics of wait(), a timeout of zero means forever.
    private void awaitAcquire(long timeout) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, ResourcePoolException
   if (force_kill_acquires)
       throw new ResourcePoolException("A ResourcePool cannot acquire a new resource -- the factory or source appears to be down.");

   Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
      acquireWaiters.add( t );
      int avail;
      long start = ( timeout > 0 ? System.currentTimeMillis() : -1);
      if (Debug.TRACE == Debug.TRACE_MAX)
         System.err.println("awaitAvailable(): " +
                  (exampleResource != null ?
                   exampleResource :
                   "[unknown]") );
      while ((avail = unused.size()) == 0)
         // the if case below can only occur when 1) a user attempts a
         // checkout which would provoke an acquire; 2) this
         // increments the pending acquires, so we go to the
         // wait below without provoking postAcquireMore(); 3)
         // the resources are acquired; 4) external management
         // of the pool (via for instance unpoolResource()
         // depletes the newly acquired resources before we
         // regain this' monitor; 5) we fall into wait() with
         // no acquires being scheduled, and perhaps a managed.size()
         // of zero, leading to deadlock. This could only occur in
         // fairly pathological situations where the pool is being
         // externally forced to a very low (even zero) size, but
         // since I've seen it, I've fixed it.
         if (pendingAcquiresCounter.getValue() == 0)
         if (timeout > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() - start > timeout)
             throw new TimeoutException("internal -- timeout at awaitAcquire()");
         if (force_kill_acquires)
             throw new ResourcePoolException("A ResourcePool could not acquire a resource from its primary factory or source.");
      acquireWaiters.remove( t );
      if (acquireWaiters.size() == 0)

    private void assimilateResource() throws Exception
   Object resc = mgr.acquireResource();
   managed.put(resc, new Date());
   //System.err.println("assimilate resource... unused: " + unused.size());
   asyncFireResourceAcquired( resc, managed.size(), unused.size(), excluded.size() );
   if (Debug.TRACE == Debug.TRACE_MAX) trace();
   if (Debug.DEBUG && exampleResource == null)
       exampleResource = resc;

    private void removeResource(Object resc)
    { removeResource( resc, false ); }

    private void removeResource(Object resc, boolean synchronous)
   destroyResource(resc, synchronous);
   asyncFireResourceRemoved( resc, false, managed.size(), unused.size(), excluded.size() );
   if (Debug.TRACE == Debug.TRACE_MAX) trace();
   //System.err.println("RESOURCE REMOVED!");

    //when we want to conceptually remove a checked
    //out resource from the pool
    private void excludeResource(Object resc)
   if (Debug.DEBUG && unused.contains(resc) )
       throw new InternalError( "We should only \"exclude\" checked-out resources!" );
   asyncFireResourceRemoved( resc, true, managed.size(), unused.size(), excluded.size() );

    private void removeTowards( int new_sz )
   int num_to_remove = managed.size() - new_sz;
   int count = 0;
   for (Iterator ii = cloneOfUnused().iterator();
        ii.hasNext() && count < num_to_remove;
      Object resc = ii.next();
      removeResource( resc );

    private void cullExpiredAndUnused()
   for ( Iterator ii = cloneOfUnused().iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
      Object resc = ii.next();
      if ( isExpired( resc ) )
         //System.err.println("c3p0-JENNIFER: removing expired resource: " + resc + " [" + this + "]");
         removeResource( resc );

    private void checkIdleResources()
   List u = cloneOfUnused();
   for ( Iterator ii = u.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
      Object resc = ii.next();
      if ( idleCheckResources.add( resc ) )
          taskRunner.postRunnable( new AsyncTestIdleResourceTask( resc ) );


    private boolean isExpired( Object resc )
   if (max_resource_age > 0)
      Date d = (Date) managed.get( resc );
      long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
      long age = now - d.getTime();
      boolean expired = ( age > max_resource_age );

//       if (expired)
//           System.err.println("c3p0-JENNIFER: EXPIRED resource: " + resc + " ---> age: " + age + "   max: " + max_resource_age + " [" + this + "]");
//       else
//           System.err.println("c3p0-JENNIFER: resource age is okay: " + resc + " ---> age: " + age + "   max: " + max_resource_age + " [" + this + "]");

      return expired;
       return false;

//     private boolean resourcesInIdleCheck()
//     { return idleCheckresources.size() > 0; }

//     private int countAvailable()
//     { return unused.size() - idleCheckResources.size(); }

    private void ensureStartResources()
    { this.postAcquireUntil( Math.max(start, min) ); }

    private void ensureMinResources()
   if (managed.size() < min)
       this.postAcquireUntil( min );

    private boolean attemptRefurbishResourceOnCheckout( Object resc )
      return true;
   catch (Exception e)
      //uh oh... bad resource...
      if (Debug.DEBUG) e.printStackTrace();
      return false;

    private boolean attemptRefurbishResourceOnCheckin( Object resc )
      return true;
   catch (Exception e)
      //uh oh... bad resource...
      if (Debug.DEBUG) e.printStackTrace();
      return false;

    private void ensureNotBroken() throws ResourcePoolException
   if (broken)
       throw new ResourcePoolException("Attempted to use a closed or broken resource pool");

    private void trace()
   String exampleResStr = ( exampleResource == null ?
             "" :
             " Ex: " + exampleResource );
   System.err.println(this + "  [managed: " + managed.size() + ", " +
            "unused: " + unused.size() + ", excluded: " +
            excluded.size() + ']' + exampleResStr );

    private final HashMap cloneOfManaged()
    { return (HashMap) managed.clone(); }

    private final LinkedList cloneOfUnused()
    { return (LinkedList) unused.clone(); }

    private final HashSet cloneOfExcluded()
    { return (HashSet) excluded.clone(); }

     *  task we post to separate thread to acquire
     *  pooled resources
    class AcquireTask implements Runnable
   boolean success = false;
   int     num;

   public AcquireTask(int num)
       this.num = num;
   public void run()
          for (int i = 0; shouldTry( i ); ++i)
                if (i > 0)
                //we don't want this call to be sync'd
                //on the pool, so that a waiting Thread
                //can pull the first resource we acquire
                //without awaiting them all.
                acquireUntil( num );
                success = true;
             catch (Exception e)
                if (Debug.DEBUG) e.printStackTrace();
          if (!success)
             System.err.println(this + " -- Acquisition Attempt Failed!!! Clearing pending acquires.");
             System.err.println("\tWhile trying to acquire a needed new resource, we failed");
             System.err.println("\tto succeed more than the maximum number of allowed");
             System.err.println("\tacquisition attempts (" + num_acq_attempts + ").");
             if (break_on_acquisition_failure)
                System.err.println("\tTHE RESOURCE POOL IS PERMANENTLY BROKEN!");
       catch ( ResourceClosedException e ) // one of our async threads died
       catch (InterruptedException e) //from force kill acquires
          System.err.println(BasicResourcePool.this + " -- Thread unexpectedly interrupted while waiting for stale acquisition attempts to die.");
      { pendingAcquiresCounter.decrement(); }

   private boolean shouldTry(int attempt_num)
       //try if we haven't already succeeded
       //and someone hasn't signalled that our resource source is down
       //and not max attempts is set,
       //or we are less than the set limit
      !success &&
      !isForceKillAcquiresPending() &&
      (num_acq_attempts <= 0 || attempt_num < num_acq_attempts);

    class CullTask extends TimerTask
   public void run()
          //System.err.println("c3p0-JENNIFER: checking for expired resources - " + new Date() + " [" + BasicResourcePool.this + "]");
          synchronized ( BasicResourcePool.this )
         { cullExpiredAndUnused(); }
       catch ( ResourceClosedException e ) // one of our async threads died

    class RemoveTask implements Runnable
   int     num;

   public RemoveTask(int num)
   { this.num = num; }
   public void run()
          synchronized ( BasicResourcePool.this )
         { removeTowards( num ); }   
       catch ( ResourceClosedException e ) // one of our async threads died

    // this is run by a single-threaded timer, so we don't have
    // to worry about multiple threads executing the task at the same
    // time
    class CheckIdleResourcesTask extends TimerTask
   public void run()
          //System.err.println("c3p0-JENNIFER: refurbishing idle resources - " + new Date() + " [" + BasicResourcePool.this + "]");
          synchronized ( BasicResourcePool.this )
         { checkIdleResources(); }
       catch ( ResourceClosedException e ) // one of our async threads died

    class AsyncTestIdleResourceTask implements Runnable
   // unchanging after ctor
   Object resc;

   // protected by this' lock
   boolean pending = true;
   boolean failed;

   AsyncTestIdleResourceTask( Object resc )
   { this.resc = resc; }

//    synchronized boolean pending()
//    { return pending; }

//    synchronized boolean failed()
//    {
//        if (pending)
//       throw new RuntimeException(this + " You bastard! You can't check if the test failed wile it's pending!");
//        return
//       failed;
//    }

//    synchronized void unpend()
//    { pending = false; }

//    synchronized void setFailed( boolean f )
//    { this.failed = f; }

   public void run()
          boolean failed;
             mgr.refurbishIdleResource( resc );
             failed = false;

             //Thread.sleep(1000); //DEBUG: make sure collision detection works
          catch ( Exception e )
             System.err.println("c3p0: An idle resource is broken and will be purged.");
             System.err.print("c3p0 [broken resource]: ");
             failed = true;
          synchronized (BasicResourcePool.this)
             if ( failed )
                if ( managed.keySet().contains( resc ) ) //resc might have been culled as expired while we tested
                   removeResource( resc );
          synchronized (BasicResourcePool.this)
             idleCheckResources.remove( resc );


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2006 4:21 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 28, 2006 7:48 am
Posts: 20
Sorry!!! I put the question in the wrong forum.
It is suppose to be in the Hibernate forums.

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