Yes. but now one more time I've the other problem Exception
with this
sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure("hibernateJNCV.cfg.xml").buildSessionFactory();
tomcat say
Initial SessionFactory creation failed. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/ehcache/CacheException
with this
sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure("hibernate_xml/hibernateJNCV.cfg.xml").buildSessionFactory();
tomcat say
Initial SessionFactory creation failed. org.hibernate.HibernateException: hibernate_xml/hibernateJNCV.cfg.xml not found
I use eclipse, here there's a screenshot of my webapp
I try to add the 'hibernate_xml' in the classpath with this steps
Properties->java Build Path->Add Folder->hibernate_xml
now I've my 'hibernate_xml' folder that contains all the xml for configuration&mapping under the JavaSource (src).
Why Hibernate can't see hibernateJNCV.cfg.xml when I call the Configuration.configure(...) ??!
xcuse me 4 the stupid question..I'm a newbie
thx to all