Hello everybody,
i'm a hibernate newbie ;)
I have a problem with the nhibernate "delete" method. I wanted to do a delete, but i only see a "select" request on the database, but no delete.
here is the request:
private const string DELETE_BY_QUERY_DATE = "from AlarmEventValue nev where (nev.TimeStamp between '{0}' and '{1}')";
and the method call:
_nhSession.InnerSession.Delete(string.Format(DELETE_BY_QUERY_DATE, startDate, endDate));
I'm doing NUnit tests on each method, and I collect this output from the NUnit GUI:
NHibernate :select alarmevent0_.BaseEventValueID as BaseEven1_, alarmevent0_.AlarmState as AlarmState, alarmevent0_.BaseEventID as BaseEven5_, alarmevent0_.HistTimeStamp as HistTime4_, alarmevent0_.ProductSegmentID as ProductS6_, alarmevent0_.ModifiedOn as ModifiedOn from Core_BaseEventValue alarmevent0_ where alarmevent0_.EventValueType='A' and (((alarmevent0_.HistTimeStamp between '06/04/2006 09:29:06' and '06/04/2006 09:33:06')))
we can see a "select" and no "request"
Could you tell me what I missed, or what I did wrong.
Thanks for your help,