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 Post subject: lazy collections get fetched right away
PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:39 am 

Joined: Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:14 am
Posts: 16
for starters I use hibernate 3.2.1, hibernate-annotations 3.1beta8, spring 1.2.6, I test with junit 3.8.1 and a MySql 5.0 database, I let the database scheme be generated by hibernate itself, testing uses the spring data access objects, the testers use this code in the setup and teardown

this.appContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring.xml");
this.sessionFactory = (SessionFactory) getBean("sessionFactory");
this.session = this.sessionFactory.openSession();
this.sessionFactory, new SessionHolder(this.session)

SessionHolder holder =
(SessionHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource(
this.session = holder.getSession();
this.session, this.sessionFactory

one of the objects Location has a lot of references (4 many-to-many, 1 one-to-one, 1 many-to-one, 2 one-to-many) for now
@Table(name = "INF_LOCATION")
public class Location implements Serializable {
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = {
@JoinColumn(name = "campus_id_ref")
private Campus campus;

@OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = true)
private FmisData fmisData;

/** Het materiaal dat op deze locatie beschikbaar is. */
@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = {
@JoinTable(name = "INF_LOCATION_EQUIPMENT", joinColumns = {
@JoinColumn(name = "location_id_ref")
, inverseJoinColumns = {
@JoinColumn(name = "equipment_id_ref")
@OrderBy(value = "name")
private Set<Equipment> equipment;

in FmisData
@OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = true)
private Location location;

in Campus
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "campus", cascade = {
@OrderBy(value = "name")
private Set<Location> locations;...

in Equipment
@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "equipment", cascade = {
@OrderBy(value = "name")
private Set<Location> locations;

my problem is now that when a location is already in the database and i retrieve it by hibernatetemplate.load or .get that calls the session.load or get, all collections are retrieved resulting in 9 different selects instead of one, what do I do wrong? why isn't this lazy loading?

another problem, maybe it's releated (all objects have a
private Long version;
but I see updates passing by on a many to many relation even when nothing has changed except a relation has been made: like a location already exists, an equipment already exists, I add an equipment object to the relation set in location and vica versa

you get credits for solving the problem or helping me

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 5:03 am 

Joined: Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:14 am
Posts: 16
some more info


all Sets are initialized in the each objects contructor, like this

this.equipment = Collections.synchronizedSet(
new LinkedHashSet<Equipment>()

I tried to remove that but that doesn't help


almost all collections above all empty


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 3:41 am 

Joined: Sat Oct 25, 2003 8:49 am
Posts: 490
Location: Vrhnika, Slovenia
It should work.

Turn on debug log.
Watch all sql logs.

Set a break point just after session.get(Location.class, ID).
You should get just one query - with maybe some joins.
Attach all sql queries that arise from this session.get.

Do you maybe have some class inheritance?

Rgds, Ales

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 4:03 am 

Joined: Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:14 am
Posts: 16
there is no class inheritance

but you are right: this is the whole code and logging; the other unexpected selects happen not when you get the location and group (many-to-many) but if you attach them to each other and save them, still aint sure why those other selects happen

            Location location =
            LocationGroup group =                mockInfrastructureLookupServiceImpl.getGroup(7L);

this is the log

10:08:05,968 DEBUG [TestInfrastructureAdminServiceImpl] setUp() - start
10:08:05,968 INFO  [SpringUnitContext] ====== START SETUP be.ugent.dgfb.cab.midtier.service.TestInfrastructureAdminServiceImpl ======
10:08:06,953 WARN  [PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Could not load properties from URL [file:/C:/Documents and Settings/jdlandsh/dgfb-cab.properties]: C:\Documents and Settings\jdlandsh\dgfb-cab.properties (Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden)
10:08:06,953 WARN  [PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Could not load properties from class path resource [webauth.properties]: class path resource [webauth.properties] cannot be opened because it does not exist
10:08:07,031 WARN  [PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer] Could not load properties from URL [file:/C:/Documents and Settings/jdlandsh/webauth.properties]: C:\Documents and Settings\jdlandsh\webauth.properties (Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden)
10:08:09,937 INFO  [ASTQueryTranslatorFactory] Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
10:08:10,125 DEBUG [CacheManager] Creating new CacheManager with default config
10:08:10,140 DEBUG [CacheManager] Configuring ehcache from classpath.
10:08:10,156 WARN  [Configurator] No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml found in the classpath: jar:file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/jdlandsh/.m2/repository/ehcache/ehcache/1.1/ehcache-1.1.jar!/ehcache-failsafe.xml
10:08:10,500 DEBUG [Configuration$DiskStore] Disk Store Path: C:\DOCUME~1\jdlandsh\LOCALS~1\Temp\
10:08:15,234 DEBUG [SpringUnitContext] getBean(String) - start
10:08:15,234 DEBUG [SpringUnitContext] getBean(String) - end
10:08:15,328 INFO  [SpringUnitContext] ====== END SETUP be.ugent.dgfb.cab.midtier.service.TestInfrastructureAdminServiceImpl ======
10:08:15,328 DEBUG [SpringUnitContext] getBean(String) - start
10:08:15,328 DEBUG [SpringUnitContext] getBean(String) - end
10:08:15,328 DEBUG [SpringUnitContext] getBean(String) - start
10:08:15,328 DEBUG [SpringUnitContext] getBean(String) - end
10:08:15,328 DEBUG [TestInfrastructureAdminServiceImpl] setUp() - end
10:08:15,328 DEBUG [TestInfrastructureAdminServiceImpl] testBatch4() - start
10:08:15,781 DEBUG [SQL]
    /* load be.ugent.dgfb.cab.model.infrastructure.LocationGroup */ select
        locationgr0_.id as id4_0_,
        locationgr0_.version as version4_0_,
        locationgr0_.description as descript3_4_0_,
        locationgr0_.name as name4_0_
        INF_LOCATIONGROUP locationgr0_
10:08:15,812 DEBUG [LongType] binding '7' to parameter: 1
10:08:15,828 DEBUG [LongType] returning '0' as column: version4_0_
10:08:15,828 DEBUG [StringType] returning 'group' as column: descript3_4_0_
10:08:15,828 DEBUG [StringType] returning 'group-name' as column: name4_0_
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [SQL]
    /* load collection be.ugent.dgfb.cab.model.infrastructure.LocationGroup.locations */ select
        locations0_.locationgroup_id_ref as location2_1_,
        locations0_.location_id_ref as location1_1_,
        location1_.id as id3_0_,
        location1_.city as city3_0_,
        location1_.postalCode as postalCode3_0_,
        location1_.street as street3_0_,
        location1_.streetNumber as streetNu5_3_0_,
        location1_.rentable as rentable3_0_,
        location1_.reservable as reservable3_0_,
        location1_.campus_id_ref as campus12_3_0_,
        location1_.maximumCapacity as maximumC8_3_0_,
        location1_.version as version3_0_,
        location1_.description as descrip10_3_0_,
        location1_.name as name3_0_
        INF_LOCATION_GROUPS locations0_
    left outer join
        INF_LOCATION location1_
            on locations0_.location_id_ref=location1_.id
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [LongType] binding '7' to parameter: 1
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [LongType] returning '34' as column: id3_0_
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [StringType] returning null as column: city3_0_
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [StringType] returning null as column: postalCode3_0_
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [StringType] returning null as column: street3_0_
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [StringType] returning null as column: streetNu5_3_0_
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [BooleanType] returning 'true' as column: rentable3_0_
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [BooleanType] returning 'true' as column: reservable3_0_
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [LongType] returning null as column: campus12_3_0_
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [IntegerType] returning '10' as column: maximumC8_3_0_
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [LongType] returning '0' as column: version3_0_
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [StringType] returning 'desc' as column: descrip10_3_0_
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [StringType] returning 'NAME' as column: name3_0_
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [LongType] returning '7' as column: location2_1_
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [LongType] returning '34' as column: location1_1_
10:08:15,890 DEBUG [SQL]
    /* load be.ugent.dgfb.cab.model.infrastructure.fmis.FmisData */ select
        fmisdata0_.id as id9_0_,
        fmisdata0_.area as area9_0_,
        fmisdata0_.buildingId as buildingId9_0_,
        fmisdata0_.campusId as campusId9_0_,
        fmisdata0_.floorId as floorId9_0_,
        fmisdata0_.roomFullId as roomFullId9_0_,
        fmisdata0_.roomId as roomId9_0_,
        fmisdata0_.roomType as roomType9_0_
        INF_FMIS_DATA fmisdata0_
10:08:15,906 DEBUG [LongType] binding '34' to parameter: 1
10:08:15,921 DEBUG [SQL]
    /* load collection be.ugent.dgfb.cab.model.infrastructure.Location.equipment */ select
        equipment0_.location_id_ref as location1_1_,
        equipment0_.equipment_id_ref as equipment2_1_,
        equipment1_.id as id1_0_,
        equipment1_.version as version1_0_,
        equipment1_.description as descript3_1_0_,
        equipment1_.name as name1_0_
        INF_LOCATION_EQUIPMENT equipment0_
    left outer join
        INF_EQUIPMENT equipment1_
            on equipment0_.equipment_id_ref=equipment1_.id
10:08:15,921 DEBUG [LongType] binding '34' to parameter: 1
10:08:15,921 DEBUG [SQL]
    /* load collection be.ugent.dgfb.cab.model.infrastructure.Location.groups */ select
        groups0_.location_id_ref as location1_1_,
        groups0_.locationgroup_id_ref as location2_1_,
        locationgr1_.id as id4_0_,
        locationgr1_.version as version4_0_,
        locationgr1_.description as descript3_4_0_,
        locationgr1_.name as name4_0_
        INF_LOCATION_GROUPS groups0_
    left outer join
        INF_LOCATIONGROUP locationgr1_
            on groups0_.locationgroup_id_ref=locationgr1_.id
10:08:15,921 DEBUG [LongType] binding '34' to parameter: 1
10:08:15,921 DEBUG [LongType] returning '7' as column: id4_0_
10:08:15,921 DEBUG [LongType] returning '34' as column: location1_1_
10:08:15,921 DEBUG [LongType] returning '7' as column: location2_1_
10:08:15,937 DEBUG [SQL]
    /* load one-to-many be.ugent.dgfb.cab.model.infrastructure.Location.managers */ select
        managers0_.location_id_ref as location7_1_,
        managers0_.id as id1_,
        managers0_.id as id5_0_,
        managers0_.employee_id_ref as employee6_5_0_,
        managers0_.location_id_ref as location7_5_0_,
        managers0_.version as version5_0_,
        managers0_.managerType as managerT3_5_0_,
        managers0_.endDate as endDate5_0_,
        managers0_.startDate as startDate5_0_
        INF_MANAGER managers0_
10:08:15,937 DEBUG [LongType] binding '34' to parameter: 1
10:08:15,937 DEBUG [SQL]
    /* load collection be.ugent.dgfb.cab.model.infrastructure.Location.notifications */ select
        notificati0_.location_id_ref as location1_1_,
        notificati0_.notification_id_ref as notifica2_1_,
        notificati1_.id as id6_0_,
        notificati1_.version as version6_0_,
        notificati1_.endDate as endDate6_0_,
        notificati1_.startDate as startDate6_0_,
        notificati1_.message as message6_0_
    left outer join
        INF_NOTIFICATION notificati1_
            on notificati0_.notification_id_ref=notificati1_.id
10:08:15,937 DEBUG [LongType] binding '34' to parameter: 1
10:08:15,937 DEBUG [SQL]
    /* load one-to-many be.ugent.dgfb.cab.model.infrastructure.Location.pictures */ select
        pictures0_.location_id_ref as location8_1_,
        pictures0_.id as id1_,
        pictures0_.id as id7_0_,
        pictures0_.height as height7_0_,
        pictures0_.width as width7_0_,
        pictures0_.location_id_ref as location8_7_0_,
        pictures0_.version as version7_0_,
        pictures0_.image_encoding as image5_7_0_,
        pictures0_.name as name7_0_,
        pictures0_.image as image7_0_
        INF_PICTURE pictures0_
10:08:15,937 DEBUG [LongType] binding '34' to parameter: 1
10:08:15,937 DEBUG [SQL]
    /* load collection be.ugent.dgfb.cab.model.infrastructure.Location.requests */ select
        requests0_.location_id_ref as location1_1_,
        requests0_.request_id_ref as request2_1_,
        request1_.id as id8_0_,
        request1_.version as version8_0_,
        request1_.description as descript3_8_0_,
        request1_.name as name8_0_
        INF_LOCATION_REQUESTS requests0_
    left outer join
        INF_REQUEST request1_
            on requests0_.request_id_ref=request1_.id
10:08:15,937 DEBUG [LongType] binding '34' to parameter: 1
10:08:15,953 DEBUG [TestInfrastructureAdminServiceImpl] testBatch4() - end
10:08:15,953 DEBUG [TestInfrastructureAdminServiceImpl] tearDown() - start
10:08:15,953 INFO  [SpringUnitContext] ====== START TEARDOWN be.ugent.dgfb.cab.midtier.service.TestInfrastructureAdminServiceImpl ======
10:08:15,968 INFO  [SpringUnitContext] ====== END TEARDOWN be.ugent.dgfb.cab.midtier.service.TestInfrastructureAdminServiceImpl ======
10:08:15,968 DEBUG [TestInfrastructureAdminServiceImpl] tearDown() - end

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