Hi. I have what seems to be a rather unique problem. I am leading an initiative in my agency to overhaul a rather dated J2EE project which makes extensive use of embedded JSP Java, JDBC/SQL, and BMP entity beans.
The RDBMS belongs to the public branch of our state agency, and as such, our IT department is not allowed to make schema changes. However, we have several tables (phone, printer_users, security) that have a "user_id" column. This is, semantically, a foreign key to nothing, since we handle our web logins via a transient SSH session to our UNIX server.
However, I would like to have a "User" entity that knows about all the entities that refer to a particular user_id, for convenience's sake. Problem is, none of the tables has a complete set of all the user ids. I can collect the user ids using a SQL UNION statement, but as I cannot touch the database schema, I can't create a view for the entity to point to.
I played with the idea of using a NamedQuery or NamedNativeQuery for the User entity, but as there is no users table, I cannot use User in association mappings, and must invoke the query any time I want to convert a user id to a User object.
I've also thought about having PhoneUser extend PrintUser which extends SecurityUser, mapping user_id as the Id field, but again, no table's collection of user_ids is a complete superset or subset of any other, and to complicate things, in the security table the primary key is a composite of the table_name and user_id columns, and in the phone table, some duplicate records exist for a few user_ids.
Is there a way to simulate some kind of virtual table or view, not at the database level but visible as far as Hibernate is concerned, that I can map the User entity to? If I'm barking up the wrong tree here, any advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Hibernate version: 3
Mapping documents: hibernate.cfg.xml and annotations
Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): Using Seam to manage sessions
Name and version of the database you are using: Informix (version unknown)
_________________ Life would be simpler if I only had the source code.