I'm using Hibernate with default EntityManager in J2SE with PersistenceContextType Transaction instead of Extended.
I posted a lot about that already in this poll:
http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?t=956814 so make sure you read that as well. (it became off topic)
Now my questions is regarding the transaction isolation setting that Hibernate should configure via JDBC.
It is clearly stated that EJB3 implementations should default to a "read commited" transaction isolation" to implement a default optimistic concurrency control.
I think this goes against the statement of the Hibernate documentation. Here's the quote (from
Hibernate Entity Manager only adds automatic versioning but does not lock objects in memory or change the isolation level of your database transactions.
Now what if I want that read commited isolation, can I specify it somewhere? Is it a bug now?
(for those who did not read my previous posts, I'm using MSSQL2000 and jTDS)
I'd like to welcome any suggestions and/or thoughts