I have annotated my id with the following but still receive errors
@GenericGenerator(name="system-uuid", strategy = "uuid")
public UUID getId() {
return _id;
From the following de-bugging output am I to expect that the SerializableType cannot process the column ADDRESS_ID (which is of type uniqueidentifier)? Or is it that a java.util.UUID cannot be constructed?
DEBUG: Mar 23, 2006 15:54:01 SessionImpl: SQL query: SELECT * FROM T_ADDRESSES DEBUG: Mar 23, 2006 15:54:01 AbstractBatcher: about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0) DEBUG: Mar 23, 2006 15:54:01 ConnectionManager: opening JDBC connection DEBUG: Mar 23, 2006 15:54:01 AbstractBatcher: preparing statement DEBUG: Mar 23, 2006 15:54:01 AbstractBatcher: about to open ResultSet (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0) DEBUG: Mar 23, 2006 15:54:01 Loader: processing result set DEBUG: Mar 23, 2006 15:54:01 Loader: result set row: 0 DEBUG: Mar 23, 2006 15:54:01 SerializationHelper: Starting deserialization of object INFO : Mar 23, 2006 15:54:01 SerializableType: could not read column value from result set: ADDRESS_ID DEBUG: Mar 23, 2006 15:54:01 AbstractBatcher: about to close ResultSet (open ResultSets: 1, globally: 1) DEBUG: Mar 23, 2006 15:54:01 AbstractBatcher: about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1) DEBUG: Mar 23, 2006 15:54:01 AbstractBatcher: closing statement
I could probably use a more concrete example than what is in the documentation.