I am a new user of Hibernate. I downloaded Hibernate 3.1 , coded my prototype and it worked fine as a standalone project.
When I tried using it within the context of websphere portal 5.0.x which used IBM jdk 1.3, I got an UnsupportedVersion error.
I tried recompiling Hibernated classes in RAD.
It seems to be using methods like blob.setbytes and others which are not available in jdk 1.3.
Has anybody else faced this issue. If infact Hibernate 3.1 uses non jdk 1.3.x code, do we have sources specifically for 1.3.x ? or perhpas a library of jars for jdk1.3
In the faq and on the site, it says that jdk1.3 is supported , howwever a recompilation is needed. I am not able to recompile.
Any insight into this issue is greatly appreciated