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 Post subject: Periodic cannot initialize collection exceptions
PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 6:00 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:49 pm
Posts: 2
I've read the HowToAskForHelp but I cannot post any of the code. I apologize.

I am periodically getting a cannot initialize collection exception every so often when running my asp.net application. Usually if I retry, everything works fine.

I know this is sparse information, but I am not allowed to post any more information as the system I am working on is of a non-public nature.

I thought maybe this has something to do with concurrent reads or something? I do not know.

Sorry for the vagueness.


 Post subject: Ok..
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:18 am 

Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:49 pm
Posts: 2
So I think I know the issue. I was evicting an object but I also had a second-level cache set up for that object. I'm not entirely sure if that's it, but once I get everything settled, I'm going to make a new project that demostrates the exception, and if I can reproduce it, I'll open a JIRA ticket for it.

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