My problem is I can't generate quite the correct schema using annotations and hibernatetools. Everything seems to be ok, except for the name of the primary key column. Look at the code, I want the id column to be named "customer_id", but it is generated as id (the default coming from the property). I believe this might be a bug because I checked the tests in annotations and no one tries to set a different name into an id column.
I'm not sure if the problem is in annotations or tools, so I'm posting it here. Sorry if is the wrong forum.
Hibernate version:
Hibernate 3.1.2, Annotations 3.1beta8, Tools 3.1beta4
Mapping documents:
@Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO, generator="CUSTOMER_ID_SEQ")
@Column(name="customer_id", length=19)
public long getId() {
return id;
Name and version of the database you are using:PostgreSQL 8.2
The generated SQL (show_sql=true):Code:
INFO: table not found: CUSTOMER
create table CUSTOMER (id int8 not null, EMAIL_ADDRESS varchar(40), firstname varchar(255), gender varchar(255), occupation varchar(50), partner_name varchar(50), address_line1 varchar(40), address_line2 varchar(40), address_line3 varchar(40), town varchar(40), county varchar(40), postcode varchar(10), DATE_OF_BIRTH timestamp, underage bool, created timestamp, created_by int8 not null, last_upd timestamp, last_upd_by int8 not null, country varchar(40), title varchar(255), status varchar(255), surname varchar(255), CUSTOMER_BANK_ID int8, primary key (id))
alter table CUSTOMER add constraint FK52C76FDE50CA03DC foreign key (CUSTOMER_BANK_ID) references CUSTOMER_BANK