Now it was enabled after adding Classes in along with SQL server dtabase drivers.
I am trying to execute HQL in scratchpad
from Item
Hibernate Dynamic Query Transalator
SQL #0 types: com.edhand.example1.Item
select as id54_, as name54_,
item0_.description as descript3_54_
test.item item0_
In hibernate Query Result
I find Column heading as "com.edhand.example1.Item"
i dont find any data in GRID.
BUt i have number of records in my database table and could access from hibernate and struts in web application
Can I see my SQL server Database table data in this editor.
Does this possiable with theses tools ?.
If YES hibernate tools would helpfull for me as i am beginner.
if NO how can i use these each
AFter HQL execution i dont find any out put in
Hibernate Query Result
Query Parameters
I am refering following for integrating these toos for my eclipse. ... gle/#d0e28
Max,please support me to see some object data in Hibernate Query Result