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 Post subject: How do you use NHibernate?
PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:25 pm 

Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:50 pm
Posts: 123
Location: Blumenau / SC / Brasil

Could you show me (with code) how are you using the NHibernate? I'd like to know how do you manage SessionFactory, Sessions and etc.

I think this sould be a fixed topic (not this, but other clearer..) to tell the users what is the correct (or the best) way to use NHibernate.

My way:

Nowadays, I just keep a singleton pattern for SessionFactory. I have a GetSession method that every time returns a new Session.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using NHibernate;
using NHibernate.Cfg;
using MapOR;

public class NHibernateHelper
    private static ISessionFactory _sessionFactory;
    public static ISession GetSession()
        if (_sessionFactory == null)
            lock (typeof(NHibernateHelper))
                if (_sessionFactory == null)
                    Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
                    _sessionFactory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory();
        return _sessionFactory.OpenSession();

    private NHibernateHelper()

Using this, I have to control the Transactrion and Sessions in the Interface Layer.

What are you using? Can you tell me? Thanks

 Post subject: Castle
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:30 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:21 am
Posts: 85
Have you seen the NHibernate facility (an extension to the Windsor IOC container) available at http://www.castleproject.org/index.php/Main_Page

There is another interesting project built over NHibernate called ActiveRecord.
Check these out.....

 Post subject: Re: Castle
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:24 am 

Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:50 pm
Posts: 123
Location: Blumenau / SC / Brasil
samujob wrote:
Have you seen the NHibernate facility (an extension to the Windsor IOC container) available at http://www.castleproject.org/index.php/Main_Page

There is another interesting project built over NHibernate called ActiveRecord.
Check these out.....

Hi Samujob!

Are you talking about Castle.Facilities.NHibernateExtension ?

 Post subject: Deprecated
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:32 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:21 am
Posts: 85
I believe Castle.Facilities.NHibernateExtension has been deprecated and replaced by Castle.Facilities.NHibernateIntegration. It has some nice features like automatic session management, automatic transaction handling.

 Post subject: Re: Deprecated
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:03 am 

Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:50 pm
Posts: 123
Location: Blumenau / SC / Brasil
samujob wrote:
I believe Castle.Facilities.NHibernateExtension has been deprecated and replaced by Castle.Facilities.NHibernateIntegration. It has some nice features like automatic session management, automatic transaction handling.

I've also found this: http://www.castleproject.org/index.php/ ... NHibernate


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:37 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:38 pm
Posts: 390
Location: Cedarburg, WI
Looks interesting, but it seems more awkward than the approach in .NET 2.0 with System.Transactions, using TransactionScope. With Castle.Facilities.NHibernateIntegration and Castle.Facilities.AutomaticTransactionManagement, apparently you need to make your methods virtual because your DAOs will be proxied. You need to mark your classes with the [Transactional] attribute, and define transaction boundaries on a per-method basis with [Transaction(TransactionMode.Whatever)]. I don't think System.Transactions has the same limitations.

In the example they give,
public class BlogDao
  public virtual Blog CreateBlog( String name )
    using(ISession session = SessionManager.OpenSession())
      // This session is going to have a transaction associated

      Blog blog = new Blog();
      blog.Name = name;


      return blog;

the session is implictly disposed. I'm confused -- I thought we wanted to not only be able to join an ambient transaction, but an ambient session. I.e. SessionManager.OpenSession() would return the ambient session if one exists, instead of a new one. If so, the ambient session would be disposed by this block of code! I'm confused -- how can a transaction live across multiple NHibernate sessions?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:05 pm 

Joined: Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:46 pm
Posts: 1
Hi there,

You can customize the NHibernateIntegration facility to suit your needs, by removing the Castle's Automatic Transaction Managemenet feature.

Instead, you can define your own transactional attributes to mark you business methods, intercept the business method calls of you business components (by placing your components in the Caste's Micro Kernel) and, in you interceptor, use the transaction management of the .net 2.0 System.Transactions namespace using the TransactionScope. :)

Concerning the SessionManager of the NHibernateIntegration facility, it returns you a wrapper of the ISession that is not actually disposed when the 'using block' ends, so you can use the same underlying ISession during a transaction lifetime.

Using a Generic DAO component that uses the SessionManager & an interceptor for your business components to take care of transaction management, you can have clean code in your business components (no session management / data access code, only calls to a generic DAO, and transactional attributes on your business classes / methods).


 Post subject: NHibernate facility
PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:13 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:21 am
Posts: 85
Let me clarify few things regarding the NHibernate facility in Castle

Even when you are using the session in this manner:

using(ISession session = SessionManager.OpenSession())
      // This session is going to have a transaction associated

      Blog blog = new Blog();
      blog.Name = name;


      return blog;

the session will not be disposed if there is a CurrentTransaction in progress (see the Dispose implementation in SessionDelegate class).

Now the second point:
After a call to OpenSession on SessionManager any further call to OpenSession would return the same session. for e.g. if in MyDAO you get a session and call a method on MySecondDAO, the call to OpenSession in MySecondDAO will return the same Session.

Now regarding auto transaction:
As I said the transaction is not living across Sessions as the session is not disposed even when the Using block completes if there is a current transaction.
Whenever a transactional method calls another transactional method they share the same CurrentTransaction (this is achieved by the PerThread lifestyle of the NHibernateTransactionManager class) and the transaction gets committed or rolledback only when the root method finishes however the child transactios can vote for rollback.

Hope this helps....

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