I do not really understand what you are talking about ;)
Ok, I am try to explain it again. I have Tables A, B, and I want to generate the corresponding A.hbm.xml and B.hbm.xml files using <hbm2hbmxml>. For example I want to generate on both files a meta information for example for generating the toString, equals, hascode methods, I know in order to get such methods on the A.java and B.java files I have to put on the corresopnding A.hbm.xml and B.hbm.xml files the following meta tags:
<meta attribute="use-in-tostring">true</meta>
<meta attribute="use-in-equals">true</meta>
but I don't want to insert MANUALLY on each generated file A.hbml.xml and B.hbml.xml such meta information.
Me question is if there is a way to specify on the generation process with <hbm2hbmxml> or just to inform on any configuration file for <hbm2java> task in order to specify this meta information common to ALL generated file: A.java, B.java.
The current way to include the same tags in all files is to use xml entity includes.
Now I don't understand you, please could you be more clear.
If you want something more generic go and see if it is reported in jira, if not then report it as a feature request.
before to report some in Jira I prefer to ask on the forum, probably I am understanding some wrong and some people could help without putting a new issue on Jira.
I think that the documentation about meta keys on the manual is a bit confusing, but it could be a personal opinion and other people from the forum understand exactly what the user manual want to say (I am talking about the user manual for Hibernate Tools)
We just don't want to maintain 2 different tools for doing the same thing.
If something is missing in hibernatetool (and it makes sense to add it) then report it in jira or even better come by with a patch.
When I invoke the <hbm2hbmxml/> task it doesn't really takes into account the information on the file given by the property: revengfile. I want to rename some column and primary keys name, but I get the same output, as if a weren't used this file.
well hard to fix issues if they are not reported. noone has yet to come by with a reproducable testcase in jira. Only "issue"/gotcha i know is that case matters and it is handled different on each db.
I just wanted from people of the forum to get information in the sense if they have the same problem. It is not a database problem, I just have the feeling that the property:
revengfile="hibernate.reveng.xml" on
<jdbcconfiguration> is not taked into account on the inverse process. I just want before to send something to Jira to be sure it is a bug or I am doing something wrong. I hope the Hibernate software is well tested so such simple mistake I shouldn't expect even from a beta version.
From this beta version, there is no log information when invoking ant with -v option for this task.
If all of this are possible bugs I open a issue on Jira.
We do not want to impose not-so-great libraries into your pojo's. If you want that you can easily customize the templates to support it. You just need to redefine the PojoEqualsHashCode template file for your needs.
Ok, but is there any way to just say for this template use mine?, but for other tamples use the default that comes with hibernatetool?
Thanks max,
David Leal