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 Post subject: question related to mapping Hibernate file and super class a
PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:22 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:02 am
Posts: 6
Location: mumbai,india
hibernate 3

oracle 9i data base

problem is as follows

public abstract class AbstractEntity
private Long addUserId = null;
private Date addDate = null;
private Long editUserId = null;
private Date editDate = null;

public class UserModel extends AbstractEntity {
private Long userId ;
private Date dateOfBirth = null ;
private double userTelephone ;
private String userTitle = "";
private String firstName = "";
private String lastName = "";
private String userLocation = "";
private String userName = "" ;
private String userPassword = "";
private String userJobTitle = "" ;
private String userEmail = "" ;
private int userSex ;
private int userMaritalStatus ;
private String userAddress = "" ;
private String userAddressType = "" ;
private Date dateOfJoining = null ;
private int isProjectManager ;
private int isDeleted;

public class ExpenseModel extends AbstractEntity {
//private Long expenseId=null;
private double submittedAmount=0.00;
private double approvedAmount=0.00;
private double rejectedAmount=0.00;
private int expenseStatus=0;

<class name="com.dss.ems.models.UserModel" table="DBUSER">
<id name="id" column="USERID">
<!--changed some time before from userId-->
<generator class="increment"/>
<property name="dateOfBirth" column="BIRTHDATE"/>
<property name="userTelephone" column="TELEPHONE"/>
<property name="userTitle" column="TITLE"/>
<property name="firstName" column="FIRSTNAME"/>
<property name="lastName" column="LASTNAME"/>
<property name="userLocation" column="LOCATION"/>
<property name="userName" column="LOGINNAME"/>
<property name="userPassword" column="USERPASSWORD"/>
<property name="userJobTitle" column="JOBTITLE"/>
<property name="userEmail" column="EMAIL"/>
<property name="userSex" column="SEX"/>
<property name="userMaritalStatus" column="MARITALSTATUS"/>
<property name="userAddress" column="ADDRESS"/>
<property name="userAddressType" column="ADDRESSTYPE"/>
<property name="dateOfJoining" column="DATEOFJOINING"/>
<property name="isProjectManager" column="ISPROJECTMANAGER"/>
<property name="isDeleted" column="ISDELETED"/>
<property name="addUserId" column="ADDUSERID"/>
<property name="addDate" column="ADDDATE"/>
<property name="editUserId" column="EDITUSERID"/>
<property name="editDate" column="EDITDATE"/>

<hibernate-mapping auto-import="true" default-lazy="false">
<class name="com.dss.ems.models.ExpenseModel" table="DBEXPENSE">
<!--attribues from AbstractEntityModel-->
<id name="id" column="EXPENSEID">
<generator class="increment"/>
<property name="isDeleted" column="ISDELETED"/>
<property name="addUserId" column="ADDUSERID"/>
<property name="addDate" column="ADDDATE"/>
<property name="editUserId" column="EDITUSERID"/>
<property name="editDate" column="EDITDATE"/>
<!-- attributes added in subclass-->
<property name="submittedAmount" column="SUBMITEDAMOUNT"/>
<property name="approvedAmount" column="APPROVEDAMOUNT"/>
<property name="rejectedAmount" column="REJECTEDAMOUNT"/>
<property name="expenseStatus" column="EXPENSESTATUS"/>

in this case while defining mapping files for UserModel and ExpenseModel
i have to do mapping for AbstractEntity in both mapping files (mapping parameters from abstract class) is there is any way by which i can define variables from superclass at one place and later on reuse it in defining my subclass mapping files

thanks in advance loking for your kind response

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:33 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:09 pm
Posts: 23
Unfortunately no. At the moment any mapping you define must have a single concrete storage location for each column.

I agree that it would be tremendously useful to have abstract or interface mappings. For example in my schema I have ICommentable, and ICalenderable interfaces on several of my business entities. Still I can just image how large the overhead would be to support it. So I can see why it isn't included.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:34 am 

Joined: Wed May 11, 2005 4:59 pm
Posts: 1766
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
ganesh pol wrote:
hibernate 3

You posted to a wrong forum, this is the NHibernate forum.

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