I've a Customers and Provisioners and a many-to-many assoc between them. Now I try to search all Customers, wich doesn't associated with provisioners. And thats with Criteria.
All what I found for it, is to query 'which customers have a association'. But not for the Negation.
The Restrictions.not doesnt work for it, see above. What I need, looks as SQL with subselect as follows:
select * from customer where customer.id not in (select customer_id from myassoc where provisioner_id not in (select provisioner_id from provisioner where name = 'blah')
An example criteria which is near to the solution, i think, is:
criteria = Utils.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Customer.class);
criteria.createAlias("myassoc", "my" );
criteria.add(Restrictions.not(Restrictions.ilike("my.shortName", "blah")));
But this find's nothing, since it searches only for customers with a association that's not in the current type. And all customers without a association are completely ingored.
What I need is a left outer join or a Expression for the 'not in' subselect.
Could anyone point me to a solution or some docs where I could find more on this.
Hibernate version: 3.1rc3