hi e
best if you post your mapping files and some sample code here to help. Are you getting any errors? The stack trace might help.
Its not clear from your story if :
- the PARENT objects in the combo box have been persisted or not
- you are calling any Session methods
- getting any Exceptions
- the DB content is changing at all
But when I save a child, and go back to the parents screen, I show the parent's childs and the recently created child does not appear.
Does this mean that I always have to save the child from the parent object?
It seems as though you have set cascade="none", on the CHILD. This means when you save a CHILD, hibernate does not force a save onto the parent. If you set cascade="all" etc, the save will carry to the PARENT object. However if the PARENT is already persisted when you call save after creating an association with the CHILD then whether cascade is set to all or none should not matter since the important state is the foreign key in the CHILD objects table. Again this depends on many factors...Post some code.