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 Post subject: no update issued for changed property
PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 6:02 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:33 am
Posts: 11
I'm sure I'm doing something stupid, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is. All I want to do is update the availableQuantity property on the Purchaseable persistent class. I load a Product subclass of it, update the property, then commit the transaction, but Hibernate issues no SQL update even though the code is executing within a transaction and the property is dirty. Even the Printer prints out the updated value:

16:43:27,790 DEBUG Printer:90 - com.xxx.commerce.model.Product{fileAssets=<uninitialized>, width=24.0, manufacturer=com.xxx.commerce.model.Manufacturer#4, lastUpdateBy=admin, categories=<uninitialized>, thumbnailName=1135824976532.jpg, id=1, height=12.0, backorderMaxQuantity=5, name=Test Product, orderedQuantity=5, productCode=1234, active=true, group=false, bargainPrice=1299.0, depth=35.0, notes=These are some arbitary internal notes that can be sent., createdBy=admin, availableQuantity=3, retailPrice=1599.99, version=4, individuallyPurchaseable=true, groups=<uninitialized>, description=Test Product Description., lastUpdate=2005-12-30 00:01:50, createdOn=2005-12-28 21:56:02, weight=125.0}

Somebody please tell me I'm doing something stupid. My test case:

public void testSimple() throws Exception {
   Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
   Purchaseable p = (Purchaseable)session.load(Purchaseable.class, new Long(1));
   p.decrementAvailableCount(new Integer(2));

Where decrementAvailableQuantity() looks like this:

public void decrementAvailableCount(Integer ordered) {
   if(ordered.intValue() > getOrderableQuantity().intValue())
      throw new InsufficientInventoryAvailableException("Requested quantity exceeds orderable quantity for Purchaseable [" + getId() + "]");

   logger.info("Decrementing available quantity for Purchaseable#" + getId() + " by " + ordered.intValue());
   setAvailableQuantity(new Integer(getAvailableQuantity().intValue() - ordered.intValue()));

And setAvailableQuantity(Integer ordered) looks like this:

public void setAvailableQuantity(Integer ordered) {
      logger.info("Setting available quantity for Purchaseable#" + getId() + " to " + ordered);
      this.availableQuantity = ordered;

Hibernate version: 3.0.3

Mapping documents:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
    "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
    "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd" >

<hibernate-mapping package="com.xxx.commerce.model">

   <class name="Purchaseable" table="purchaseable" lazy="false">
         <generator class="native"/>

      <discriminator column="group_flag"/>
      <version name="version" column="version" access="field"/>


      <!-- Associations -->

      <set name="fileAssets"
         <key column="purchaseable_id"/>
         <many-to-many class="FileAsset" column="file_asset_id"/>

         <column name="manufacturer_id"/>

      <set name="categories"
         <key column="purchaseable_id"/>
         <many-to-many class="PurchaseableCategory" column="purchaseable_category_id"/>


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
    "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
    "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd" >

<hibernate-mapping package="com.xxx.commerce.model">

   <subclass name="Product"


         <key column="child_id"/>
         <many-to-many class="ProductGroup">
            <column name="parent_id"/>

Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():


public void testSimple() throws Exception {
   Session session = SessionFactoryUtils.getNewSession((SessionFactory)ObjectFactory.getBean(Constants.SESSION_FACTORY));
   Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
   Purchaseable p = (Purchaseable)session.load(Purchaseable.class, new Long(1));
   p.decrementAvailableCount(new Integer(2));

Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: No exception.

Name and version of the database you are using: mySQL 4.1.11

The generated SQL (show_sql=true):

16:43:27,619 DEBUG SQL:311 - select purchaseab0_.purchaseable_id as purchase1_0_, purchaseab0_.version as version8_0_, purchaseab0_.group_flag as group2_8_0_, purchaseab0_.name as name8_0_, purchaseab0_.description as descript5_8_0_, purchaseab0_.notes as notes8_0_, purchaseab0_.active_flag as active7_8_0_, purchaseab0_.individually_purchaseable_flag as individu8_8_0_, purchaseab0_.thumbnail as thumbnail8_0_, purchaseab0_.code as code8_0_, purchaseab0_.weight as weight8_0_, purchaseab0_.bargain_price as bargain12_8_0_, purchaseab0_.retail_price as retail13_8_0_, purchaseab0_.ordered_qty as ordered14_8_0_, purchaseab0_.available_qty as available15_8_0_, purchaseab0_.backorder_max_qty as backorder16_8_0_, purchaseab0_.created_by as created17_8_0_, purchaseab0_.created_on as created18_8_0_, purchaseab0_.last_update as last19_8_0_, purchaseab0_.last_update_by as last20_8_0_, purchaseab0_.manufacturer_id as manufac21_8_0_, purchaseab0_.height as height8_0_, purchaseab0_.width as width8_0_, purchaseab0_.depth as depth8_0_, purchaseab0_.separable_flag as separable25_8_0_, purchaseab0_.group_flag as group2_0_ from purchaseable purchaseab0_ where purchaseab0_.purchaseable_id=?

Debug level Hibernate log excerpt:

16:43:27,599 DEBUG SessionImpl:248 - opened session at timestamp: 4655447275802624
=========> begin test
16:43:27,609 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:46 - begin
16:43:27,609 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:422 - opening JDBC connection
16:43:27,609 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:50 - current autocommit status: true
16:43:27,609 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:52 - disabling autocommit
16:43:27,619 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:143 - loading entity: [com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable#1]
16:43:27,619 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:289 - attempting to resolve: [com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable#1]
16:43:27,619 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:325 - object not resolved in any cache: [com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable#1]
16:43:27,619 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:2457 - Materializing entity: [com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable#1]
16:43:27,619 DEBUG Loader:1307 - loading entity: [com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable#1]
16:43:27,619 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:277 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
16:43:27,619 DEBUG SQL:311 - select purchaseab0_.purchaseable_id as purchase1_0_, purchaseab0_.version as version8_0_, purchaseab0_.group_flag as group2_8_0_, purchaseab0_.name as name8_0_, purchaseab0_.description as descript5_8_0_, purchaseab0_.notes as notes8_0_, purchaseab0_.active_flag as active7_8_0_, purchaseab0_.individually_purchaseable_flag as individu8_8_0_, purchaseab0_.thumbnail as thumbnail8_0_, purchaseab0_.code as code8_0_, purchaseab0_.weight as weight8_0_, purchaseab0_.bargain_price as bargain12_8_0_, purchaseab0_.retail_price as retail13_8_0_, purchaseab0_.ordered_qty as ordered14_8_0_, purchaseab0_.available_qty as available15_8_0_, purchaseab0_.backorder_max_qty as backorder16_8_0_, purchaseab0_.created_by as created17_8_0_, purchaseab0_.created_on as created18_8_0_, purchaseab0_.last_update as last19_8_0_, purchaseab0_.last_update_by as last20_8_0_, purchaseab0_.manufacturer_id as manufac21_8_0_, purchaseab0_.height as height8_0_, purchaseab0_.width as width8_0_, purchaseab0_.depth as depth8_0_, purchaseab0_.separable_flag as separable25_8_0_, purchaseab0_.group_flag as group2_0_ from purchaseable purchaseab0_ where purchaseab0_.purchaseable_id=?
16:43:27,630 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:365 - preparing statement
16:43:27,640 DEBUG LongType:59 - binding '1' to parameter: 1
16:43:27,650 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:293 - about to open ResultSet (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)
16:43:27,650 DEBUG Loader:388 - processing result set
16:43:27,650 DEBUG Loader:393 - result set row: 0

16:43:27,650 DEBUG Loader:795 - result row: EntityKey[com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable#1]
16:43:27,660 DEBUG StringType:86 - returning 'N' as column: group2_0_
16:43:27,660 DEBUG Loader:945 - Initializing object from ResultSet: [com.xxx.commerce.model.Product#1]
16:43:27,670 DEBUG BasicEntityPersister:1641 - Hydrating entity: [com.xxx.commerce.model.Product#1]
16:43:27,670 DEBUG IntegerType:86 - returning '4' as column: version8_0_
16:43:27,670 DEBUG YesNoType:86 - returning 'false' as column: group2_8_0_
16:43:27,670 DEBUG StringType:86 - returning 'Test Product' as column: name8_0_
16:43:27,670 DEBUG TextType:86 - returning 'Test Product Description.' as column: descript5_8_0_
16:43:27,670 DEBUG TextType:86 - returning 'These are some arbitary internal notes that can be sent.' as column: notes8_0_
16:43:27,670 DEBUG YesNoType:86 - returning 'true' as column: active7_8_0_
16:43:27,670 DEBUG YesNoType:86 - returning 'true' as column: individu8_8_0_
16:43:27,680 DEBUG StringType:86 - returning '1135824976532.jpg' as column: thumbnail8_0_
16:43:27,680 DEBUG StringType:86 - returning '1234' as column: code8_0_
16:43:27,680 DEBUG IntegerType:86 - returning '5' as column: ordered14_8_0_
16:43:27,680 DEBUG IntegerType:86 - returning '5' as column: available15_8_0_
16:43:27,680 DEBUG IntegerType:86 - returning '5' as column: backorder16_8_0_
16:43:27,680 DEBUG StringType:86 - returning 'admin' as column: created17_8_0_
16:43:27,690 DEBUG TimestampType:86 - returning '2005-12-28 21:56:02' as column: created18_8_0_
16:43:27,700 DEBUG TimestampType:86 - returning '2005-12-30 00:01:50' as column: last19_8_0_
16:43:27,700 DEBUG StringType:86 - returning 'admin' as column: last20_8_0_
16:43:27,700 DEBUG LongType:86 - returning '4' as column: manufac21_8_0_
16:43:27,700 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:67 - Version: 4
16:43:27,700 DEBUG Loader:412 - done processing result set (1 rows)
16:43:27,700 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:300 - about to close ResultSet (open ResultSets: 1, globally: 1)

16:43:27,700 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:285 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
16:43:27,710 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:403 - closing statement
16:43:27,710 DEBUG Loader:508 - total objects hydrated: 1
16:43:27,710 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:96 - resolving associations for [com.xxx.commerce.model.Product#1]
16:43:27,730 DEBUG CollectionLoadContext:134 - creating collection wrapper:[com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable.fileAssets#1]
16:43:27,740 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:143 - loading entity: [com.xxx.commerce.model.Manufacturer#4]
16:43:27,740 DEBUG DefaultLoadEventListener:216 - creating new proxy for entity
16:43:27,740 DEBUG CollectionLoadContext:134 - creating collection wrapper:[com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable.categories#1]
16:43:27,740 DEBUG CollectionLoadContext:134 - creating collection wrapper:[com.xxx.commerce.model.Product.groups#1]
16:43:27,740  INFO Product:137 - Setting available quantity for Purchaseable#1 to 5
16:43:27,740  INFO Product:137 - Setting available quantity for Purchaseable#1 to 5
16:43:27,740 DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:167 - done materializing entity [com.xxx.commerce.model.Product#1]
16:43:27,750 DEBUG PersistenceContext:789 - initializing non-lazy collections
16:43:27,750 DEBUG Loader:1335 - done entity load

16:43:27,750  INFO Product:273 - Decrementing available quantity for Purchaseable#1 by 2
16:43:27,750  INFO Product:137 - Setting available quantity for Purchaseable#1 to 3
16:43:27,750 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:83 - commit
16:43:27,750 DEBUG SessionImpl:319 - automatically flushing session
16:43:27,750 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:52 - flushing session
16:43:27,750 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:102 - processing flush-time cascades
16:43:27,760 DEBUG Cascades:836 - processing cascade ACTION_SAVE_UPDATE for: com.xxx.commerce.model.Product
16:43:27,760 DEBUG Cascades:890 - cascade ACTION_SAVE_UPDATE for collection: com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable.fileAssets
16:43:27,760 DEBUG Cascades:908 - done cascade ACTION_SAVE_UPDATE for collection: com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable.fileAssets
16:43:27,760 DEBUG Cascades:890 - cascade ACTION_SAVE_UPDATE for collection: com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable.categories
16:43:27,760 DEBUG Cascades:908 - done cascade ACTION_SAVE_UPDATE for collection: com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable.categories
16:43:27,760 DEBUG Cascades:890 - cascade ACTION_SAVE_UPDATE for collection: com.xxx.commerce.model.Product.groups
16:43:27,760 DEBUG Cascades:908 - done cascade ACTION_SAVE_UPDATE for collection: com.xxx.commerce.model.Product.groups
16:43:27,760 DEBUG Cascades:861 - done processing cascade ACTION_SAVE_UPDATE for: com.xxx.commerce.model.Product
16:43:27,760 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:150 - dirty checking collections
16:43:27,760 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:167 - Flushing entities and processing referenced collections
16:43:27,780 DEBUG Collections:140 - Collection found: [com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable.fileAssets#1], was: [com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable.fileAssets#1] (uninitialized)
16:43:27,780 DEBUG Collections:140 - Collection found: [com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable.categories#1], was: [com.xxx.commerce.model.Purchaseable.categories#1] (uninitialized)
16:43:27,780 DEBUG Collections:140 - Collection found: [com.xxx.commerce.model.Product.groups#1], was: [com.xxx.commerce.model.Product.groups#1] (uninitialized)
16:43:27,780 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:203 - Processing unreferenced collections
16:43:27,780 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:217 - Scheduling collection removes/(re)creates/updates
16:43:27,790 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:79 - Flushed: 0 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 1 objects
16:43:27,790 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:85 - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 3 collections
16:43:27,790 DEBUG Printer:83 - listing entities:

16:43:27,790 DEBUG Printer:90 - com.xxx.commerce.model.Product{fileAssets=<uninitialized>, width=24.0, manufacturer=com.xxx.commerce.model.Manufacturer#4, lastUpdateBy=admin, categories=<uninitialized>, thumbnailName=1135824976532.jpg, id=1, height=12.0, backorderMaxQuantity=5, name=Test Product, orderedQuantity=5, productCode=1234, active=true, group=false, bargainPrice=1299.0, depth=35.0, notes=These are some arbitary internal notes that can be sent., createdBy=admin, availableQuantity=3, retailPrice=1599.99, version=4, individuallyPurchaseable=true, groups=<uninitialized>, description=Test Product Description., lastUpdate=2005-12-30 00:01:50, createdOn=2005-12-28 21:56:02, weight=125.0}
16:43:27,790 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:267 - executing flush
16:43:27,790 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:294 - post flush
16:43:27,800 DEBUG JDBCContext:238 - before transaction completion
16:43:27,800 DEBUG SessionImpl:368 - before transaction completion
16:43:27,800 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:173 - re-enabling autocommit
16:43:27,800 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:96 - committed JDBC Connection
16:43:27,800 DEBUG JDBCContext:243 - after transaction completion
16:43:27,800 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:437 - closing JDBC connection (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0) (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)
16:43:27,810 DEBUG SessionImpl:399 - after transaction completion
=========> end test

 Post subject: Hibernate says it's updating the entity, but no SQL is issue
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:17 am 

Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:33 am
Posts: 11
After a little more digging, I notice this output:

09:14:59,914 DEBUG DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener:200 - updating detached instance
09:14:59,924 DEBUG DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener:246 - updating [com.xxx.commerce.model.Product#1]
09:14:59,924 DEBUG DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener:296 - updating [com.xxx.commerce.model.Product#1]

But no SQL update statement is issued. Can somebody please shed some light on this for me? I've spent so much time on this, I'm (gasp!) considering going back to JDBC!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 4:27 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2006 9:52 am
Posts: 52
Location: Zurich
Not sure if this helps, I am new to hibernate and use the forumn to get more familiar with it.
Did you try a flush() before commit()?
I understand, that an sql statement is only done when absolute necessary (ex. before select).
And flush() forces the update. Just an idea.


 Post subject: Re: no update issued for changed property
PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 4:32 am 

Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:52 am
Posts: 181
ertnutler wrote:
public void testSimple() throws Exception {
   Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
   Purchaseable p = (Purchaseable)session.load(Purchaseable.class, new Long(1));
   p.decrementAvailableCount(new Integer(2));

You need a

after p.decrementAvailableCount.
Basically you are not asking Hibernate to save or update your persistent object.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:51 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:33 am
Posts: 11
Thanks for the suggestions. Hibernate flushes the session on commit of the transaction. If you look at the log output, Hibernate is clearly flushing the session.

Also, a saveOrUpdate() call isn't necessary as the object that I'm changing is already present in the session (via the load() call). I've tried it with and without. The behavior is no different.

I'm thinking it's something related to the dirty checking. For some reason, Hibernate doesn't see this instance as dirty, even though it clearly is.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 3:15 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:33 am
Posts: 11
I'm such a bonehead. I had an Interceptor registered. It was returning an empty int[] from the findDirty() callback. When I changed that to return null, everything worked fine.

This is clearly documented in the javadoc, but it would have been much easier to find this if Hibernate would issue a debug log statement like "Deferring to custom dirty checking algorithm." That way I would have known something was up, as I had no intention of using a custom dirty checking strategy.

    * Called from <tt>flush()</tt>. The return value determines whether the entity is updated
    * <ul>
    * <li>an array of property indices - the entity is dirty
    * <li>and empty array - the entity is not dirty
    * <li><tt>null</tt> - use Hibernate's default dirty-checking algorithm
    * </ul>
    * @param entity a persistent entity
    * @return array of dirty property indices or <tt>null</tt> to choose default behaviour

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