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 Post subject: why by default with the " @ManyToOne" a join tabl
PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 2:19 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:47 pm
Posts: 1
Hibernate Annotations Defaults

Without describing any physical mapping, a unidirectional one to many with join table is used. The table name is the concatenation of the owner table name, _, and the other side table name. The foreign key name(s) referencing the owner table is the concatenation of the owner table, _, and the owner primary key column(s) name. The foreign key name(s) referencing the other side is the concatenation of the owner property name, _, and the other side primary key column(s) name. A unique constraint is added to the foreign key referencing the other side table to reflect the one to many.

public class Trainer {
    public Set<Tiger> getTrainedTigers() {

public class Tiger {
    ... //no bidir

Trainer describes a unidirectional relationship with Tiger using the join table Trainer_Tiger, with a foreign key trainer_id to Trainer (table name, _, trainer id) and a foreign key trainedTigers_id to Monkey (property name, _, Tiger primary column).

when i use a "@JoinColumn(name="noTable")" annotation the "extra" table desapear, what is the best? default config. or what? and why?


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