When we set hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto to validate the validation fails announcing "Missing Table" about a view.
We tried to pinpoint the problem so we first replaced the view with a simple one, that simply selects a whole table (select * from table), then It failed when we mapped the entity to the view and succeeded when we mapped it to the Table.
While debugging we found that in a class called org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.DatabaseMetadata, in a getTableMetadata there is a call to java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.findTables when setting the fourth parameter (types) to {"TABLE"} (defined as a class-level constant).
We checked the documentation of findTables and found it is not defined what are the meanings of the types passed as parameter. We checked it for oracle9i with ojdbc14- and found it returnes views if types contains "VIEW" and not if its {"TABLE"}.
Is this a bug?
If so, should how should we go about fixing it?
Is this the correct forum or should we transfer it to some other forum(\mailing list)?
Yariv Yaari.
Hibernate version:3.1rc2
Name and version of the database you are using:oracle9i