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 Post subject: how do I map a relation not on primary keys
PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 11:24 am 

Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:35 am
Posts: 160
How do i map a relation between classes on different columns that the primary keys? [legacy db]

For instance, if I have class A with 2 prim keys: A1 and A2, and one normal column: A3.
Then I have class B with 1 prim key: B1 and a normal column: B2.

The relation ship is defined as: A2 = B1 and A3 = B2.

If I were to use a <bag> on class A:
        <column name="B1" />
        <column name="B2" />

It would ofcourse map A1 to B1 and A2 to B2.

This is not what I want. :twisted:

Any idea what I'm missing?? Shouldn't I be able to map relations on whather columns I choose?

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 11:24 am 

Joined: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:17 am
Posts: 156
your legacy db is not a "truly" relational db. In a relational db the relationships are defined using primary and foreign keys.
Keep in mind that (N)Hibernate is designed to map an object model over a relational database.
In my case the solution to a similar problem was to create a view in order to define the relation in terms of primary-foreign keys. Of course that complicates the updates as normally you can't update a view.


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 4:22 am 

Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:35 am
Posts: 160
ok, thank you. I will have to work around the problem then!

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