Although, I am successfully using NHibernate 1.0 with .NET 2.0 framework, I am wondering if there is any plan considered by NHibernate developers and maintainers to migrate NHibernate to use the enhancements of the .NET 2.0 framework.
I am thinking here particulary to:
1. native nullable types (some efforts where made by third-party developers to convert NContrib.Nullables to native .NET nullable types but I believe that nullable types should be supported natively by NHibernate. See:
2. generics (collections and alike)
3. updated versions of database drivers like Sytem.Data.OracleClient 2. (if someone used in NHibernate + OracleClient.dll in 24/7 up applications, knows about the renown bug in ADO.NET connection pooling which does not throws away broken connections from the pool).
I am also aware that NHibernate is an open source effort with developers contributing to project in their own spare time, and that's why I want to congratulate them for the wonderful job they done of porting Java Hibernate to what it is now in .NET: NHibernate.