Hi all!
As of today, ObjectMapper, which is a GUI editor that is primarily focused on NPersist but that supports NHibernate too, goes free and open source under the LGPL license.
While I would be the first to admit that the NHibernate support is lacking, it is my hope that by open sourcing ObjectMapper, more experienced NHibernate users could help making sure the NHibernate support is up to snuff.
ObjectMapper has a UML class diagram editor and can reverse engineer existing databases or generate database from your domain models. It allows you to edit all mapping information visually and then generate mapping files for either NPersist or NHibernate, as well as the source code for your domain objects.
If you think this sounds like a fun project to help out with, or just think you could use ObjectMapper in your work, please visit
http://www.puzzleframework.com where you can download ObjectMapper (including the full source of course) as part of the Puzzle.NET package.
Thanks, and Happy Hacking!
/Mats Helander