Hey this is a quick thank you to the dev team..
I started using NHibernate this summer on a web application that we just deployed recently (beginning of October). The app is a reimplimentation of one of our client's public web sites (
www.eriez.com). The NHibernate part connects to their products database and their sales inquiry (including sales reps) database. Using NHibernate made the code clean and slick. The app is a .NET 2.0 application. I made a wrapper around much of the NHibernate functionality to automatically manage the NHibernate session as part of the HttpContext. I was also able to wrap some of the NHibernate calls to allow for things such as strongly typed collections via generics and encapsulating some of the NHibernate plumbing using anonymous methods.
NHibernate helped me to think about the business data as objects and not just records in the database. The code base is much more maintainable and understandable.
After that project, I worked on a small application (less than 3 weeks) that was used during Katrina disaster relief for managing the delivery of tractor trailers and mobile homes to the affected areas. NHibernate probably cut dev time on this by about half.
I'm now working on my 3rd NHibernate project which is related to the rating and shipping of commercial goods via a selection of commercial carriers. For this app, we used the MyGeneration app to generate our mapping files for us via one of their pre-built templates. The code files are still hand coded, as I am very picky about my code style/conventions. At some point I hope to understand MyGeneration a bit better as to generate both the mapping files and code file to my liking.
Thanks for making my job easier and keep up the good work.
PS: Congrats on getting picked up by JBoss. Now lets add .Net 2.0 feature support!