Thank you!
I look at nhibernate log.
At queries but didn't find any bottlenecks.
See a lot of queries with 3-6
left outer join.
about "int numOfPosts = blog.Posts.Count;"
I often iterate through collection attributes
(foreach) but never calculate count.
all collections are lazy.
A'm intersted in to know something about standard
bottlenecks of NHibernate configuration.
For example about using of sorted colections
or something else.
Do you know anything about "standart strategy" of creating
indexes in relation DB by xml-mapping files.
Something like: when I see a bas with order-by field A
so I should create an clustered index on A.
Ayende Rahien wrote:
Zero, profile the application and find the hot spots.
First, get a DBA to look at the databases.
Second, investigate caching.
It's very possible that you're doing things like:
int numOfPosts = blog.Posts.Count;
Which would load all the posts collection to memory just to get its count.
The answer for performance questions is always: Measure & Find Out.