I am trying to build nhibernate using .net 2.0. beta2. I have seen posts
http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/foru ... m_id=29446 . However, it looks like nhibernate was build using nant 0-85 rc3 that does not support .net 2.0.So my steps were the following:
1.Download nant latest nightly build that supports .net 2.0 beta 2 -
2.Download latest DynamicProxy source from svn repository -
3.Build release version of DynamicProxy.
4.Download nhibernate source from cvs repository - path -:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/nhibernate ,module nhibernate
5.Change nhibernate.build file, rename every “1.1” inside target <target name="set-net-1.1-runtime-configuration"> and in <call target="set-net-1.1-runtime-configuration" /> string to “2.0”.
6.Create additional directory “2.0” in the nhibernate/lib folder. Then copy all files, except DynamicProxy.dll, from nhibernate/lib/1.1 folder and new DynamicProxy.dll built on step3 to this folder.
7.Build nhibernate.
8.Run tests with nunit 2.2 (also configured to support .net 2.0 beta 2).
All test succeeded except the following two:
NHibernate.Test.FooBarTest.FindByCriteria :
TearDown : Test didn't clean up after itself
NHibernate.Test.NHSpecificTest.NH257.Fixture.ManyToManyTableCreationScript :
String lengths differ. Expected length=107, but was length=98.
Strings differ at index 13.
expected:<"create table users_in_groups (group_id INT not n...">
but was:<"create table Party (Id INT IDENTITY NOT NULL, pa...">
If you use debug version of DynamicProxy.dll (step 3), nhibernate tests will fail with “… DynamicProxy…duplicated..” exception.