Hibernate version:
hibernate 3.0
Mapping documents:
Hallo HTechies,
We have a problem of entering float values in German format. (i.e comma is used inplace of dot or point ex: 12,34 means 12.34). We are using hibernate as ORM with postgresql database, and JSF(Myfaces),our insertion of float numbers in German style, ends with the message "Conversion error". even used locale property of <x:inputText> tag. Actually Does hibernate support I18N, if so how...if you have any idea of getting through this... (but not manually editing the pojo classes generated by hibernate) , kindly share with the forum..
Thanks in advance
--- He who builds a better mousetrap these days runs into material shortages, patent-infringement suits, work stoppages, collusive bidding, discount discrimination--and taxes."- HE Martz