Jason - thanks for letting me know. BTW, I appreciate the work you have done on BIRT.
I did look briefly at the Scripted Data Source (and more importantly bookmarked it). My impression was there was a lot of glue code written to get it to work with a report. I admit though I have not look close enough to know if that glue code is created once and then reusuable across all reports or if each report must have the glue code embedded.
Anyway, I fully admit to not having studied BIRT in depth yet. I plan to revisit my reporting solution once BIRT has the next release.
When I start evaulating BIRT, one of the things I am going to be looking at is how I can make the report creation more user friendly for my end users. I don't really want them entering code like:
if(iterator.hasNext() == false ){
return false;
var customer = iterator.next( );
row["CUSTOMERNUMBER"] = customer.getCustomerNumber();
row["COUNTRY"] = customer.getCountry();
row["CONTACTLASTNAME"] = customer.getContactLastName();
row["CONTACTFIRSTNAME"] = customer.getContactFirstName();
row["PHONE"] = customer.getPhone();
row["SALESREPEMPLOYEENUMBER"] = customer.getSalesRepEmployeeNumber();
row["CUSTOMERNAME"] = customer.getCustomerName();
return true;
I was hoping by moving to BIRT, the gui designer would help my end users a bit. I was hoping that an ODA would help by being able to read the hibernate meta data (xml or annotations or maybe interact with the Hibernate meta data classes) in order to provide tables(classes) and column names in the report designer.
Thanks for letting me have an update.