I decided to ask the experts, what they think of a company, the one I work for, no names, has decided to no longer have Criteria, HQL or SQL in any of our code, and that all our queries, inserts, updates, deletes will be done in stored procedures.
We will still be using Hibernate to call these stored procedures. I can see some benefit to putting any SQL code we have through hibernate into a stored procedure, but those other places where we just get the Session call save passing it some DTO or where the Criteria objects query takes only three lines of code is much easier to maintain than having the DBA team write stored procedures for all of them.
But, before I call them names, well too late for that, but, in this case, I haven't called them anything yet, but I wanted to know everyone's opinion, becuase I definitely don't have all the answers. :)
Thanks guys.