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 Post subject: using component mapping
PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:31 am 

Joined: Sun Oct 24, 2004 8:53 pm
Posts: 6
Location: Philadelphia, PA
(1) I have an object A, and there are components B, C that would be parts of A. So when I would want to use hibernate's component feature and define B, C as components of A I must put data for B, C in table of A.

The issue is - what happens with concurrent updates of B, C ?
I would want those updates to happen and if there is only one version column shared by A, B, C this can't be achieved. There may be a version required by A because A would have its own properties too.
So to be able to achieve concurrent updates I would now have to have 3 version columns ??? Do you think this is a good idea ?

(2) Instead I may just normalize the data model and put them in separate tables with one-to-one relationships from A. To be able to use 'foreign' type generator for B, C if I want the id of A to be automatically assigned to B, C objects I have to have bodirectional relationship from B and C towards A ??? I don't want this, and so I must go with 'assigned' type generator and do the assignement myself ?

Thanks in advance

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