I have seen two threads about null elements in lists on Hibernate forum, so I will describe my problem as shortly as possible - in a one-to-many relationship I use a List because I want ordrering. When I delete any element other than the last, null is inserted instead of the element with the missing index (as opposed to other users who reported exactly the last removed object being substituted with null). Say there were entities with indices 1, 2 and 3, and then I delete the one with index "2" - I get element "1", null, "3" in the list, and the size() method returns 3. This is not what I have in the DB, so because of the inconsistency, I'm assuming an incorrect behaviour.
Since I only started using Hibernate from v 3.0.5, I really can't say if such behaviour was present in v2 or not, but there is a similar post on this forum -
where a user claims there is no such behaviour in v2.1.8, and Gavin says that particular change in behaviour is a bug if that is really the case.
Now, I really don't wanna be one of those people screaming "Bug!" where there is none, but since Gavin "opened the door", I would respectfully like to ask if the Hibernate development team considers this a bug or not.
My point is, Gavin says it might be a bug, but I didn't find this in the changelogs for fixed bugs for neither of the versions 3.1 rc1, 3.1 rc2, 3.1 rc3. I admit not going through the whole of the JIRA to see if there is an open issue dealing with the described problem.
If this is considered a bug, any idea which HHH release might contain a fix?
Anyone from Hibernate team care to answer?