We are trying out using JBOSS cache for hibernate second level caching with Websphere App server 5.1.
I did follow the instructions in the below url
http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?pag ... acheAndWAS
I was able to successfully configure JCacheWAS51Service as the custom service(startup class) in websphere.
The treecache.xml has been configured as the external file for the startup class
i configured the hibernate.cfg.xml to use org.hibernate.cache.TreeCacheProvider as the Cache Provider.
I need few clarifications:
1) How will the hibernate mapping xmls deployed in my application use the custom service? Should there be any additional code to configure that.
2)Should i again include treecache.xml in the ear file.
Would appreciate if you provide the above clarifications and would let me know how to test jboss cache works with the application deployed.