What About Spring.
Depending on whom you talk to, different people will give
you different answers on this question. Here's my
version ;-)
Spring is a container, a framework that can help you build
any kind of java application. On the very basic level, it is
an IOC (Inversion of Control) utility that can plug arbitrary
beans together. That may not sound like much, but trust me -
it is one of the powerful ways to integrate all kinds of services
(like web-server, hibernate, jdbc, rmi) I have seen so far.
Further, Spring comes with a huge library of prefabricated
utility classes for the most common use cases (such as
connecting to JDBC, setting up Hibernate etc) in an J2EE
application environment.
On top of that, spring offers many other components. One
of my personal favorites is an extremely powerful AOP (aspect
oriented programming) framework. It also has its own web layer and
much more, but it does not force you to use any of it. You can
just stick to the parts that you like and replace anything else
with other components, e.g. struts.
If you are looking for a good book about spring, take a look
at Spring In Action. It is not 100% up to date (what book can
every be in our rapid open-source world), but it is a very
good overview of what the framework can do.
Best regards,