A PNG image of the Caveat Emptor Domain Model can be found at:
http://carroll1.cc.edu/~jtowell/CaveatE ... nModel.png
Appropriate credit is on the image.
I am using Hibernate and "Hibernate in Action" in my database and software design courses at Carroll College. Thanks for this excellent tool for confronting the object-relational mismatch.
John Towell, Ph.D. * "Clean code that works is out *
Assoc. Prof. Comp. Sci. * of the reach of even the best *
Director, Masters of * programmers some of the time, *
Software Engineering * and out of the reach of most *
100 North East Ave. * programmers (like me) most of *
Waukesha, WI 53186 * the time." ... Kent Beck *
http://cscgrad.cc.edu/jtowell *********************************