we are using the latest release hibernate tools 3.1.0 a 5
and we are quite happy so far.
However there could be a slight improvement when generating
equals and hashcode methods.
For some reason we use a two step approach:
1. first generate the hbm-files with cfg2hbm
and edit them for some purposes.
2. generate the Java-Klasses and Id-Klasses.
Unfortunately in the second step the equals and hashcode-methods
are generated only when
<meta attribute="use-in-equals">true</meta>
is present in every primary key property.
Thats a lot of work.
However if we generate everything at once with
cf2hbm and hbm2java the equals and hashcode
methods are generated.
This leads me to the observation that there must be some
other way to tell hbm2java to generate the two methods.
For example a switch like:
<hbm2java generate-equals="true"/>
would be great!