Thanks and sorry for asking because this is writen in Hibernate Ant Tools documentation.
Now I tried to run ant task and I have other problems.
org.hibernate.cfg.JDBCBinderException: The type java.lang.Object spans multiple columns. Only single column types allowed for single columns.
I saw many answers for this on forum, but nothing helped.
Problem is that I use Ant with Idea and I can't find solution how to debug ant.
I also run ant with -verbose and this is all I get from output, so I don't know with which table something is wrong and with which column.
I looked at the code from CVS where it is clear that you have fixed that,
but when I built jar and use it I get another problem
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hibernate/cfg/CollectionSecondPass
at org.hibernate.cfg.JDBCMetaDataConfiguration.readFromJDBC(
at org.hibernate.tool.ant.JDBCConfigurationTask.doConfiguration(
I use this build.xml
<hibernatetool destdir="${basedir}/generated">
<hbm2java ejb3="true" generics="true" /> <!-- generate default .java files with EJB3 annotations -->