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 Post subject: Addition Columns in Table when definig 1:N Assiciations
PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 10:01 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:27 am
Posts: 48
Hello, sorry for the next question - but what is the normal way to handle associations between to tables (per example between "customer" and "order").

If the customer-entity (table) has an primary key aka long-value, have i to declare an foreign key-property in the order-entity as equivalent long-value and declare the mapping with @OneToMany constraint on these two long-propertys (or their getters) ?

Or have I to go a more object-orientated way and declare simply an custormer-entity (aka Component "customer") in the order-Entity, then mark Customer.class as @Embedable and try hibernate to create the Association between these two Entitys (tables) ?

I ask, because hibernate tries to create an addition column in the N-Table of a 1:N association or even a Join-table (by a simple 1:N assiontion !).

Is ist the normal way:

- to let Hibernate create the (additional) association columns on the n-side or
- include assiocated entities (tables) as @embedded component in the other-Entity or
- or to manually generate foreign-key property's in the n-side Entity and the control the mapping via @OneToMany (mappedBy= "column on the n-side)

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