arumugam_kasi wrote:
Will it not affect the performance of the system (by taking account of large number of concurrent users) for the case of updating an Exam object in the case of having an association betn Exam and Teacher objects?
See the documentation on the differences between lazy and eager loading.
arumugam_kasi wrote:
ie, even for mere update of teacher ID in Exam table, I need to load new Teacher Object and assign it to Exam's ID field and update Exam object.
This depends on how many simultaneous users want to update Teachers and Exams .
arumugam_kasi wrote:
As you know, somehow we would know teacher's ID before calling the function to update Exam object. Why should not we just directly supply the ID to Exam and update there.
My users have never noticed a time lag; my project manager has noticed time saved.
arumugam_kasi wrote:
If it is of Purchase ->PurchaseDetails relation, where we could clearly see the strong relationship which would be enough to justify the Association, but I dont know if I m missing any important piece, why should I really care about association for the weaker case (in-frequently used one too)?
Eager vs. lazy loading.