Basically from the hbm files I want the following code generated
1) a pojo java class that extends a base pojo java class. That way if I have custome attributes I can put those in the user overridable pojo java class.
* This is the object class that relates to the COVERAGE_PACKAGE_CODE table.
* Any customizations belong here.
public class CoveragePackageCode extends BaseCoveragePackageCode {
public CoveragePackageCode () {
* Constructor for primary key
public CoveragePackageCode (java.lang.String _coveragePackageCode) {
* Constructor for required fields
public CoveragePackageCode (
java.lang.String _coveragePackageCode,
java.lang.String _benLimitUr) {
super (
* This class has been automatically generated by Hibernate Synchronizer.
* For more information or documentation, visit The Hibernate Synchronizer page
* at or contact Joe Hudson at
* This is an object that contains data related to the COVERAGE_PACKAGE_CODE table.
* Do not modify this class because it will be overwritten if the configuration file
* related to this class is modified.
* @hibernate.class
public abstract class BaseCoveragePackageCode implements Serializable {
public static String PROP_COVERAGE_PACKAGE_CODE = "coveragePackageCode";
public static String PROP_END_DATE = "endDate";
public static String PROP_CONTAINED_IN_OLB = "containedInOlb";
public static String PROP_BEN_LIMIT_UR = "benLimitUr";
public static String PROP_EFFECTIVE_DATE = "effectiveDate";
private int hashCode = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
// primary key
private java.lang.String _coveragePackageCode;
// fields
private java.util.Date _effectiveDate;
private java.lang.String _benLimitUr;
private java.lang.String _containedInOlb;
private java.util.Date _endDate;
// collections
private java.util.Set _planPackageOdometers;
// constructors
public BaseCoveragePackageCode () {
* Constructor for primary key
public BaseCoveragePackageCode (java.lang.String _coveragePackageCode) {
* Constructor for required fields
public BaseCoveragePackageCode (
java.lang.String _coveragePackageCode,
java.lang.String _benLimitUr) {
protected void initialize () {}
* Return the unique identifier of this class
* generator-class="uuid.hex"
public java.lang.String getCoveragePackageCode () {
return _coveragePackageCode;
* Set the unique identifier of this class
* @param _coveragePackageCode the new ID
public void setCoveragePackageCode (java.lang.String _coveragePackageCode) {
this._coveragePackageCode = _coveragePackageCode;
this.hashCode = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
* Return the value associated with the column: EFFECTIVE_DATE
public java.util.Date getEffectiveDate () {
return _effectiveDate;
* Set the value related to the column: EFFECTIVE_DATE
* @param _effectiveDate the EFFECTIVE_DATE value
public void setEffectiveDate (java.util.Date _effectiveDate) {
this._effectiveDate = _effectiveDate;
* Return the value associated with the column: BEN_LIMIT_UR
public java.lang.String getBenLimitUr () {
return _benLimitUr;
* Set the value related to the column: BEN_LIMIT_UR
* @param _benLimitUr the BEN_LIMIT_UR value
public void setBenLimitUr (java.lang.String _benLimitUr) {
this._benLimitUr = _benLimitUr;
* Return the value associated with the column: CONTAINED_IN_OLB
public java.lang.String getContainedInOlb () {
return _containedInOlb;
* Set the value related to the column: CONTAINED_IN_OLB
* @param _containedInOlb the CONTAINED_IN_OLB value
public void setContainedInOlb (java.lang.String _containedInOlb) {
this._containedInOlb = _containedInOlb;
* Return the value associated with the column: END_DATE
public java.util.Date getEndDate () {
return _endDate;
* Set the value related to the column: END_DATE
* @param _endDate the END_DATE value
public void setEndDate (java.util.Date _endDate) {
this._endDate = _endDate;
* Return the value associated with the column: planPackageOdometers
public java.util.Set getPlanPackageOdometers () {
return this._planPackageOdometers;
* Set the value related to the column: planPackageOdometers
* @param _planPackageOdometers the planPackageOdometers value
public void setPlanPackageOdometers (java.util.Set _planPackageOdometers) {
this._planPackageOdometers = _planPackageOdometers;
public void addToPlanPackageOdometers (Object obj) {
if (null == this._planPackageOdometers) this._planPackageOdometers = new java.util.HashSet();
public boolean equals (Object obj) {
if (null == obj) return false;
if (!(obj instanceof return false;
else { mObj = ( obj;
if (null == this.getCoveragePackageCode() || null == mObj.getCoveragePackageCode()) return false;
else return (this.getCoveragePackageCode().equals(mObj.getCoveragePackageCode()));
public int hashCode () {
if (Integer.MIN_VALUE == this.hashCode) {
if (null == this.getCoveragePackageCode()) return super.hashCode();
else {
String hashStr = this.getClass().getName() + ":" + this.getCoveragePackageCode().hashCode();
this.hashCode = hashStr.hashCode();
return this.hashCode;
public String toString () {
return super.toString();
2) I would like to generate a spring/hibernate/dao structure. This was accomplishable using templates in synchronizer.
:Description=Dao Impl
#set ($package = $class.ValueObjectPackage.replaceAll(".domain",".service.dao"))
package ${package}.hibernate;
import ${package}.${class.DAOClassName};
import ${package}.hibernate.base.Base${class.DAOClassName}Impl;
* ${class.DAOClassName}
* Copyright 2004 by Electronic Data Systems
* Corporation. All rights reserved.
* An unpublished work created Aug 23, 2004, 2004. This work is a
* trade secret of EDS and unauthorized use or copying
* is prohibited.
public class ${class.DAOClassName}Impl extends Base${class.DAOClassName}Impl implements ${class.DAOClassName} {
// Add methods overriding base class here
:Description=Dao Impl Base
#set ($package = $class.ValueObjectPackage.replaceAll(".domain",".service.dao"))
package ${package}.hibernate.base;
import ${class.AbsoluteValueObjectClassName};
import ${package}.base.Base${class.DAOClassName};
import java.util.List;
* ${class.DAOClassName}
* Copyright 2004 by Electronic Data Systems
* Corporation. All rights reserved.
* An unpublished work created Aug 23, 2004, 2004. This work is a
* trade secret of EDS and unauthorized use or copying
* is prohibited.
public class Base${class.DAOClassName}Impl extends HibernateDaoSupport implements Base${class.DAOClassName} {
#if ($class.ParentRoot.Id)
public final ${class.ValueObjectClassName} load(${class.ParentRoot.Id.Property.AbsoluteSignatureClassName} key)
${class.ValueObjectClassName} obj = (${class.ValueObjectClassName}) getHibernateTemplate().load(${class.ValueObjectClassName}.class, key);
return obj;
* Persist the given transient instance, first assigning a generated identifier. (Or using the current value
* of the identifier property if the assigned generator is used.)
* @param ${class.VarName} a transient instance of a persistent class
* @return the class identifier
public final ${class.ParentRoot.Id.Property.ObjectClass} save(${class.ValueObjectClassName} ${class.VarName})
return (${class.ParentRoot.Id.Property.ObjectClass}) getHibernateTemplate().save(${class.VarName});
public final void refresh(${class.ValueObjectClassName} ${class.VarName})
public final ${class.ValueObjectClassName} saveOrUpdateCopy(${class.ValueObjectClassName} ${class.VarName})
return (${class.ValueObjectClassName}) getHibernateTemplate().merge(${class.VarName});
* Either save() or update() the given instance, depending upon the value of its identifier property. By default
* the instance is always saved. This behaviour may be adjusted by specifying an unsaved-value attribute of the
* identifier property mapping.
* @param ${class.VarName} a transient instance containing new or updated state
public final void saveOrUpdate(${class.ValueObjectClassName} ${class.VarName})
* Update the persistent state associated with the given identifier. An exception is thrown if there is a persistent
* instance with the same identifier in the current session.
* @param ${class.VarName} a transient instance containing updated state
public final void update(${class.ValueObjectClassName} ${class.VarName})
* Remove a persistent instance from the datastore. The argument may be an instance associated with the receiving
* Session or a transient instance with an identifier associated with existing persistent state.
* @param ${class.VarName} the instance to be removed
public final void delete(${class.ValueObjectClassName} ${class.VarName})
* Remove a persistent instance from the datastore. The argument may be an instance associated with the receiving
* Session or a transient instance with an identifier associated with existing persistent state.
* @param ${class.VarName} the instance to be removed
public final List loadAll()
String orderBy = "";
if (null != getDefaultOrderProperty())
orderBy = "order by lower(theRow." + getDefaultOrderProperty() + ") asc";
return (List) getHibernateTemplate().find(
" select theRow from ${class.ValueObjectClassName} as theRow " +
* Return the property of the class you would like to use for default ordering
* @return the property name
public String getDefaultOrderProperty () {
return null;
:Description=Dao Interface
#set ($package = $class.ValueObjectPackage.replaceAll(".domain",".service.dao"))
package $package;
import ${package}.base.Base${class.DAOClassName};
* ${class.DAOClassName}.java
* Copyright 2004 by Electronic Data Systems
* Corporation. All rights reserved.
* An unpublished work created Aug 23, 2004, 2004. This work is a
* trade secret of EDS and unauthorized use or copying
* is prohibited.
public interface ${class.DAOClassName} extends Base${class.DAOClassName}{
// Add new methods here
:Description=Dao Interface Base
#set ($package = $class.ValueObjectPackage.replaceAll(".domain",".service.dao"))
package ${package}.base;
import ${class.AbsoluteValueObjectClassName};
import java.util.List;
* ${class.DAOClassName}.java
* Copyright 2004 by Electronic Data Systems
* Corporation. All rights reserved.
* An unpublished work created Aug 23, 2004, 2004. This work is a
* trade secret of EDS and unauthorized use or copying
* is prohibited.
public interface Base${class.DAOClassName} {
#if ($class.ParentRoot.Id)
${class.ValueObjectClassName} load(${class.ParentRoot.Id.Property.AbsoluteSignatureClassName} key);
* Persist the given transient instance, first assigning a generated identifier. (Or using the current value
* of the identifier property if the assigned generator is used.)
* @param ${class.VarName} a transient instance of a persistent class
* @return the class identifier
${class.ParentRoot.Id.Property.ObjectClass} save(${class.ValueObjectClassName} ${class.VarName});
void refresh(${class.ValueObjectClassName} ${class.VarName});
${class.ValueObjectClassName} saveOrUpdateCopy(${class.ValueObjectClassName} ${class.VarName});
* Either save() or update() the given instance, depending upon the value of its identifier property. By default
* the instance is always saved. This behaviour may be adjusted by specifying an unsaved-value attribute of the
* identifier property mapping.
* @param ${class.VarName} a transient instance containing new or updated state
void saveOrUpdate(${class.ValueObjectClassName} ${class.VarName});
* Update the persistent state associated with the given identifier. An exception is thrown if there is a persistent
* instance with the same identifier in the current session.
* @param ${class.VarName} a transient instance containing updated state
void update(${class.ValueObjectClassName} ${class.VarName}) ;
* Remove a persistent instance from the datastore. The argument may be an instance associated with the receiving
* Session or a transient instance with an identifier associated with existing persistent state.
* @param ${class.VarName} the instance to be removed
void delete(${class.ValueObjectClassName} ${class.VarName});
* Remove a persistent instance from the datastore. The argument may be an instance associated with the receiving
* Session or a transient instance with an identifier associated with existing persistent state.
* @param ${class.VarName} the instance to be removed
List loadAll();
How would I go about accomplishing things like this with hibernate tools?