ran into some problems with oracle and i after a painfull day i found a way to deal with them. So here they are.
In (generated by enterprise architect) oracle sql script we had types like smallint bigint and integer which were all entered in db as decimal without a warning!. Normally reveng.xml was useless because those were never found by tools so the sollution was to use decimal.
Oracle haven't types : smallint,bigint and integer.There is type NUMBER for all numeric types and in last version (10g rel 2) binary_float and binary_double
for max : 'select blah' and 'select BLAH' is same, but you can have query 'select "bLaH" ' and it search for identifier 'bLaH' in database - you can create table with :
create table "AbC" ....
and query
select * from abc
select * from AbC
doesn't work, but
select * from "AbC"