Looking at the source code of hibernate 3.0.5 I found the following lines in TuplizerLookup:
public static TuplizerLookup create(Component component) {
PersistentClass owner = component.getOwner();
Tuplizer dmt = new DynamicMapComponentTuplizer(component);
Tuplizer pt = owner.hasPojoRepresentation() && component.hasPojoRepresentation() ?
new PojoComponentTuplizer(component) : dmt;
Tuplizer d4jt = owner.hasDom4jRepresentation() ?
new Dom4jComponentTuplizer(component) : null;
return new TuplizerLookup(pt, dmt, d4jt);
It seems that composite ids (i.e. components) are never tuplized into PoJos if their owner has not a PoJo representation.
Is there a reason for this behaviour?