But that is the whole point: According to the manual H2 and H3 can co-exist in the same application (==same classpath). If I remove one set then either H2 or H3 breaks (depending on which jars I remove).
For example, if I remove 'cglib-asm.jar' (which is required by H2), I get the following exception (assuming that hibernate2.jar is still in the classpath):
Nested Exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/cglib/KeyFactory
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.<clinit>(SessionFactoryImpl.java:297)
at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory(Configuration.java:627)
If I re-insert the 'cglib-asm.jar' file, I get a different error (depending on the order relative the H3 counterparts).
If I remove the H3 equivivalents I get yet another error.
Let's not resort to word-wrestling. I conclude from Your posts that the "Hibernate 3 Reference Manual" is incorrect insofar that Hibernate2 and Hibernate3 can, in fact,
not co-exist in the same application, or if they can then at least You are not aware of how the system should be configured.